Theory:Torchwood television discontinuity and plot holes/End of Days
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This page is for discussing the ways in which End of Days doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.
Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:
* This is point one. ::This is a counter-argument to point one. :::This is a counter-argument to the counter-argument above * This is point two. ::Explanation of point two. ::Further discussion and query of point two. ... and so on.
- Captain Jack Harkness has traveled with the Ninth Doctor in the TARDIS. According to the Ninth Doctor the TARDIS telepathic field gets in your brain and translates for you (DW:The End of the World), but Jack makes no indication he can understand what the Roman soldier is saying.
- It is very likely that the TARDIS must be nearby for the translator to work, just as it is dependent on the Doctor himself being nearby and conscious, as in DW: The Christmas Invasion, Rose, Harriet Jones, and Mickey couldn't understand what the Sycorax were saying until The Doctor was awake. Plus, as Jack spent many years absent from the Doctor and the TARDIS since DW: Parting of the Ways, so the telepathic field may have worn off (remember, this story is BEFORE DW: Utopia).
- How come when it zooms out and has the aerial shot of Cardiff bay at the end it doesn't have the TARDIS there.
- It is very likely that the TARDIS must be nearby for the translator to work, just as it is dependent on the Doctor himself being nearby and conscious, as in DW: The Christmas Invasion, Rose, Harriet Jones, and Mickey couldn't understand what the Sycorax were saying until The Doctor was awake. Plus, as Jack spent many years absent from the Doctor and the TARDIS since DW: Parting of the Ways, so the telepathic field may have worn off (remember, this story is BEFORE DW: Utopia).