The Silence

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Revision as of 20:33, 27 August 2011 by D0ct0r11 (talk | contribs)
This article needs a big cleanup.

This entire page needs to be rewritten. We need to establish the different between the organisation and the now unnamed race. All information on the race should be put into a new page and everything about the religion should be kept on this page.

These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Talk about it here or check the revision history or Manual of Style for more information.


The Silence was a religious cult that forced the Doctor's TARDIS to explode on 26th June 2010, creating cracks in time that would erase various things throughout the universe, and eventually the universe itself. Their main belief is that Silence will fall when a particular question is asked, the oldest question in the universe, a question somehow related to the Doctor.

An unnamed species were prominent members of the religion, and were integral to achieving the Silence's aims, particularly in the kidnapping of a young River Song.


The Silence achieved one of their aims on 26th June 2010, when they caused the Doctor's TARDIS to explode. An unknown entity's voice was heard speaking before the TARDIS began exploding, declaring: "Silence will fall!" (DW: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang)

In 1580 Venice, Rosanna Calvierri said that through some of the cracks, the Saturnynians saw only silence and the end of all things. This caused them to flee their homeworld to 1580 Earth through a different crack that acted like a wormhole. (DW: The Vampires of Venice)

A member of the Silence spied on the Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River in Utah, 2011, briefly being noticed by Amy before Rory distracted her. Another member visited the White House in 1969 and killed Joy in front of Amy Pond before delivering a post-hypnotic suggestion for her to "tell the Doctor what he must know and what he must never know". (DW: The Impossible Astronaut)

At some point, the unnamed species, on Silence orders, had taken up residence at a disused orphanage where the little girl had come from and used post-hypnotic suggestion to control the man that had run it previously into thinking the orphanage was still in operation. They showed such interest in the welfare of the little girl, as they put her in the life support astronaut suit to keep her healthy and safe - even going so far as to equip the suit with a built-in weapons system. The unnamed species later kidnapped Amy for unknown purposes when she was investigating the orphanage with Canton. They took her to their underground lair and cryptically told her that she would help "bring the silence."

The Doctor inflicted a crushing defeat on a portion of the Silence when he ensured that humanity saw footage of a wounded creature they held captive, spliced into the footage of the moon landing broadcast. In it, the creature said "You should kill us all on sight". This footage was viewed by half-a-billion humans at the time, and would be invariably viewed by their descendants. This sealed the fate of the unnamed species; humanity began to exterminate them as commanded. The group of Silence members holding Amy captive tried to kill the Doctor for this. However, River killed all of the present Silence followers. Without enough time to implant more post-hypnotic suggestions when humans look at them, those remaining of the unnamed species seemed doomed. (DW: Day of the Moon)


  • When reimprisoned, Prisoner Zero told the Eleventh Doctor that "silence will fall". (DW: The Eleventh Hour)
  • Following his defeat of Rosanna, when the Doctor was preparing to leave, a mysterious silence fell over Venice. The Doctor asked Rory Williams "can you hear that?" and Rory replied "Hear what? All I can hear is silence". There was then a shot of a previously busy Venetian market showing that everybody had mysteriously vanished as if they had been removed from time, space or possibly existence. (DW: The Vampires of Venice)
  • After attending Amy Pond's wedding, the Doctor discussed the TARDIS blowing up and mentioned that "the Silence is still out there" before being distracted by a phone call. (DW: The Big Bang)
  • Several lines of Abigail's Song referred to Silence (e.g. "When you're alone, Silence is all you know". (DW: A Christmas Carol)
  • It is revealed that the Silence are in fact not a species, but a religious organization of sorts. (DW: Let's Kill Hitler)

Behind the scenes

to be added
