Howling:Regeneration cube?

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The Howling → Regeneration cube?
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I remember back in March, that there was word of a "Gallifreyan Regeneration Cube" set that was going to be released around Christmas time. Speculation was at the time that the Cube was a means of resurrecting a Time Lord, and this would presumably be how the Doctor avoided the 13-regeneration limit in the season finale. Well, the season finale was come and gone, and the Regeneration Cube hasn't been heard of for a while. No word if the Cube will feature in the Christmas special. Does anyone have any idea of what this "Cube" really was? --Bold Clone 22:44, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

I think the point has been mooted by the events of Let's Kill Hitler. We know regenerations can be taken from one time lord and given to another, and that's what happened there -- she gave him all of hers. Making the shaky assumption that we have seen all of her regenerations (Day of the Moon and Let's Kill Hitler) and that she had the Gallifreyan twelve regenerations (another shaky assumption), knock out this one and the 10th Doctor's meta-critical non-regeneration and that gives him a total of twenty-one lives. Add in the assumption that he might have wound up with another cycle or two in the Last Great Time War and that River's irregular Time Lord status has 507 regenerations and regeneration cubes are a moot point. Where did you hear of them anyway? Boblipton talk to me 01:45, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

Where are you getting the idea that River gave the Doctor all of her regenerations? The Doctor was dying, and since she was still regenerating she was able to transfer some of that regeneration energy to the dying Doctor. It took the energy from the rest of her regenerations as well, but it was all used up healing the Doctor. Nowhere was it stated that the Doctor now has the magical ability to use up somebody else's regenerations. Besides, do you think that the Doctor could live with himself knowing that his ability to live past 13 came at the expense of the woman he loved dying after only 2 regenerations-even if he already knew that she wouldn't have a chance to regenerate again anyway? I remember hearing something about those cubes too-they were a toy that was going to be marketed around Christmas or something like that. Maybe it was just a made up name for the hypercubes, or maybe it's something from the Christmas special. Anyway, if it is actually something that has to do with regeneration, I would think that it would be more like the zero room, and not something capable of accomplishing the impossible task of regenerating more than 12 times. If they do decide to cheat this fundamental law of Time Lord biology, they probably won't deal with it until the Thirteenth Doctor decides to leave.Icecreamdif talk to me 05:11, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

Icecreamdif: Most of what you say is spot on. One point is questionable, however: "If they do decide to cheat this fundamental law of Time Lord biology": There's quite enough in the "classic" series to cast doubt on it being a fundamental law of Time Lord biology. When (in The Five Doctors) the Time Lords offered the Master a complete new cycle of regenerations, the Master showed no trace of doubt that they could do exactly that. He didn't even ask how they could do it -- he clearly knew full well that it was possible. That still does nothing to indicate how, with the rest of the Time Lords gone, the Doctor could gain further regenerations but it does show that the 12-regeneration limit isn't insuperable. -- 12:02, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

@Boblipton: I heard about the "Regeneration Cube" from a Doctor Who forum, and when I looked up the phrase on Google, all I was able to find was that the cube was supposed to be person-sized, and had the Seal of Rassilon on it. --Bold Clone 17:20, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

89, I don't know if you saw the rest of that episode, but perpetual regeneration was stated to be something known of only in legend in that very episode. The entire purpose behind everything that Borusa did was to unlock Rassilon's ancient secret to regenerate more than twelve times. The Master was a special case, because he wasn't actually a Time Lord at that point-he was a Trakenite. I always assumed that they were offering him a new Time Lord body, or the ability to transform Tremas' body into that of a Time Lord. If the president could bargain with any old criminal by simply offering to give them extra regenerations, then nothing that he did in the episode makes any sense. Being a Trakenite must have made the Master special somehow.Icecreamdif talk to me 18:37, November 22, 2011 (UTC)

I did see the rest of the episode and I do know that "perpetual bodily regeneration" was something Time Lords didn't have. For most of the episode, they were far from sure Rassilon had it. None of that, however, alters the fact that the Time Lords could offer the Master a new cycle of regenerations without him questioning their ability to deliver. (He might not have been so sure of their intention to deliver, but that's a different matter.) That means it has to have been something already known and not something untried that depended on the Master's special circumstances -- otherwise, his first question would have been "How do you propose to do that?" or words to the same effect. He knew they could do it, which means it was something that had been done before. Bear in mind, they were not offering him "perpetual bodily regeneration"; they were offering a new cycle of regenerations -- one new cycle, no more -- and a new cycle of regenerations is what he knew they could give. -- 03:57, November 23, 2011 (UTC)

It's been awhile since I've seen the episode but yeah from what I recall there was never any discussion about how they would do it just that they could and offered it to him. I think the most probable thing is that the time lords have laws that prevent anyone, even the President, just getting a new cycle. However in the case of the Master he was a renegade and a criminal so it sounds more like a backroom/under the table deal. The Light6 talk to me 08:58, November 23, 2011 (UTC)

That was the impression I got, too. -- (formerly 09:52, November 23, 2011 (UTC)