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V was the twenty-second letter in the alphabet, which, by most accounts, succeeded U and preceded W. (PROSE: The Dalek Dictionary, The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"], etc.)

When Sarah Jane Smith recited the alphabet backwards while under mental attack by the Mandragora Helix, she placed V before U; (TV: The Masque of Mandragora [+]Loading...["The Masque of Mandragora (TV story)"]) however, in another account of these events, she ordered U before V. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Masque of Mandragora [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Masque of Mandragora (novelisation)"])

V was the Roman numeral for the number 5. (TV: The Man from MI.5 [+]Loading...["The Man from MI.5 (TV story)"], The Church on Ruby Road [+]Loading...["The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)"])

While binding Chris Cwej's consciousness to the conceptual weapon V-Time, the Surgeon told Cwej that the letter V was, among other things, an ideal representation of the meeting of different points. (PROSE: The V Cwejes)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the real world, V is the twenty-second letter of the alphabet.