Temporal field

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A time field hits the TARDIS. (COMIC: The World Shapers)

A temporal field or time field was applied to a number of temporal phenomenon that had different properties in different situations.

Natural temporal fields[[edit] | [edit source]]

Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor was sensitive to disturbances in time-fields, (COMIC: Ophidius) feeling a tickling at the top of his spine, like someone walking over his grave. Ace felt she could sense temporal disturbances because she had crossed the time field so much. (PROSE: Set Piece [+]Loading...{"chaptname":"In Taberna","page":"93-94","chaptnum":"6","1":"Set Piece (novel)"})

The Windigo, described as a "Time Manipulator," was able to paralyse time-fields with its scream, effectively freezing people between seconds. (COMIC: Bad Blood)

The skull of Vilus Krull existed in a para-chronic time field, meaning it existed partially outside of the continuum. (AUDIO: The Dark Flame)

Planets[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Monk's disruptions in Earth's temporal field threw off a series of parallel Earths, also helped by an attempt to mask the planet with a time-field. (COMIC: 4-Dimensional Vistas)

Monan was caught in a rupture of temporal radiation and split into multiple variations all occupying the same co-ordinates. The most advanced of the various Monan civilisations was able to control the shifting time fields and conquer/rehabilitate their ancestors. (AUDIO: Square One)

Jodafra believed the Horde had manipulated the temporal fields around Oblivion, erasing it from the memory of the universe. (COMIC: Oblivion)

Hirath had colliding time-fields that made travel difficult. (PROSE: Longest Day)

The time fields of Skaro were out of alignment when the planet was put into a time lock, causing various time jumps between the different times. (AUDIO: The Lights of Skaro)

Gelezen has an impenetrable time field which the Doctor's TARDIS ricocheted off. (COMIC: Signs of Life)

Technological applications[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Library on Kar-Charrat was protected by a time barrier projected by a time field generator; (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine) the perimeter of a time loop was interchangeably referred to as a time field, time threshold, and time barrier. (AUDIO: The Feast of Axos)

Time Lords[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Third Doctor's time sensor detected disturbances in the time field, serving as a means of locating the Master's TARDIS. (TV: The Time Monster)

The Sixth Doctor stated his TARDIS possessed a temporal field, and even called a residual TARDIS trace as a resonating time field; (AUDIO: The Four Doctors) he used his TARDIS to create a competing time field to prevent a Dalek time machine from dematerialising, which constituted the TARDIS and Dalek ship trying to materialise at the same co-ordinates in the Time Vortex. (AUDIO: Patient Zero) While trying to work out how Donna Noble had appeared in his TARDIS, the Tenth Doctor speculated that something in the temporal field, perhaps a subatomic connection, had pulled her in. He also thought it may have had something to do with the TARDIS' chronon shell or interior matrix. (TV: The Runaway Bride)

The Time Lords used time-fields around Skaro to control the timeline during the Fourth Doctor's interference in the creation of the Daleks. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, PROSE: A Device of Death) Later during the Last Great Time War, the time field was among the various defences employed to protect Gallifrey. Bennus noted that none of their defences, including the time field, would be able to withstand the impact of the Thousand Worlds which the Daleks planned to forcibly crash into Gallifrey at fifty times the speed of light. (AUDIO: The Heart of the Battle)

Humans[[edit] | [edit source]]

Fyodor Nikolai Kerensky's experiments caused breaks in the time field, later exploited by Scaroth to travel roughly 400-milion years in time. The Fourth Doctor speculated that only he and Romana II could sense that something was wrong with time as both had "crossed the time fields" often. Scaroth's device was capable of creating an unstabilised time field, volatile enough to destroy the whole city of Paris, having already accelerated the time field to age Kerensky to death in mere seconds. (TV: City of Death) (TV: City of Death)

The temporal manipulation achieved by Whitaker involved the use of a time field for the reversal of time. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs)

Other instances[[edit] | [edit source]]

Folly's prison had a time field that made would-be escapees experience time longer: one minute outside the field was a week within the field. Elliptical warp drives would spasm within the field. (AUDIO: Doing Time)

According to Borusa, an electro-temporal field was necessary for communication, allowing for telepathy. (TV: The Invasion of Time)

Sacrificing his life, Jamie McCrimmon destroyed a worldshaper on Marinus, creating a time field that fast-evolved it into Mondas with aeons passing in minutes across the planet. (COMIC: The World Shapers)

Other mentions[[edit] | [edit source]]

Romana I mentioned a time field while figuring out how to disable Zanak. (TV: The Pirate Planet)

Axos attempted to "penetrate the time field" and gain time travel, (TV: The Claws of Axos) and the Garvond hoped to feed on and ravage the "fields of time." (PROSE: The Dimension Riders)