Forum:Latest Episode - SJA

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Will the latest episode link on the mainpage for Sarah Jane Adventures eventually be removed? It seems silly having it there considering the series will never get a Series 6.     ǝsʞpɐןǝ  (talk page)  17:43, 5/03/2012 17:43, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

I agree. This subject has already been broached in Forum:Should latest episodes still be on front page? It's of course not just that SJA is over, but there's no indication whatsoever that we're getting any more Torchwood or K9.
czechout<staff />   23:48: Mon 05 Mar 2012 

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

This has been effectively solved by randomising the series buttons on the front page.
czechout<staff />   20:02: Tue 01 May 2012