Forum:Should latest episodes still be on front page?

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The front page currently has the following section:

HartnellLogo.png TorchwoodSmallLogo.png The Sja logo small1.png K9SmallLogoBW.png
Welcome to the randomiser! Click on a logo for a random episode from that series!

Question is, should this section remain on the front page? It's a cool feature, and I love the way it looks, but honestly it's essentially stale info. Far as I know, the only thing with a confirmed future at this point is Doctor Who. We know SJA is concluded, so that will never be updated, and it's really unclear whether the others will return any time soon.

Should we:

  • pull the section and not replace it with anything
  • point the logos to the main pages of these shows
  • leave it unchanged until one of the other two shows gets definitively cancelled
  • leave it up, period, because it doesn't matter that the "latest episode" won't ever change
  • do something else entirely

Your thoughts below, please.
czechout<staff />   23:04: Wed 19 Oct 2011 

I would wait until we know what's happenning with Torchwood and K9 before we make a decision. Even if neither of the other shows gets cancelled, we should still take down the Sarah Jane one before too long, because after the show's been cancelled for a while, it would be irrelevant to see what the most recent episode is. It would be (sort of) the eqivalent of having the K9 and Company logo up with a link to A Girl's Best Friend. If one of the other spinoffs gets cancelled, then I would say either remove the section, or just link to each of the shows main pages.Icecreamdif talk to me 23:20, October 19, 2011 (UTC)

I agree, it's a bit early to make any decisions along those lines since we still don't know what's (or isn't) next for the majority of the spinoffs. Best to wait and see for now. — Rob T Firefly - Δ - 01:45, October 20, 2011 (UTC)
I think wait and see, maybe till January 2012.
After that, if nothing's happened I'd favour still pointing the logos to the show's main pages, and just have the DW logo direct to the latest episode. --Tangerineduel / talk 14:29, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

As can be seen, the solution to this problem was simply to randomise the episodes linked from the front page. That way, the logos — which are generally agreed to be aesthetically pleasing — were retained on the front page, but made more useful. They now link to random stories rather than the latest story.

It may well be that when we're back "in season" a new, fifth logo might appear to carry us toward the latest ep of DW. But that's months away.
czechout<staff />   20:40: Tue 01 May 2012