Howling:Ood Σ to die?

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I've been thinking, a regular will be litterally killed permanantly in 'The Impossible Astronaut', but we've seen that The Doctor, Amelia Pond, River Song and Rory Williams will be featured in the following episodes...

If we put aside River Song, we know the title 'The Impossible Astronaut' is similar to 'The Impossible Planet'. As we know, the Ood were in this episode and have been seen in the trailer for Season XXXIII. Plus, the promotional image for The Impossible Astronaut shows the familiar heiroglyphs that we also saw in The Impossible Planet.

Therefore, I conclude that the Ood must be in The Impossible Astronaut.

But, what of the possibility that Ood Σ is killed off? He is almost a regular, having been in four total episodes and his becoming a very significant character in the Doctor Who canon.

It's a known fact that Steven Moffat often suprises us and to do this would be just like his style, if we put aside the 'Time will be rewritten' theory of River Song's death.

Will Ood c die, what do you think?

Gallifrey102 21:22, April 19, 2011 (UTC)

Ood Σ is not a series regular, and Steven Moffat said that either the Doctor, River, Amy, or Rory will die. --Bold Clone 00:43, April 20, 2011 (UTC)
Since every other character has their own DMW cover with 'Marked for death?' written on it, that makes them the obvious person to be killed off, therefore they won't be.

That's a ridiculous deduction. It's a fact that one of them (the cover stars) will die. You are trying to hard to develop a theory that satisfies you when its clear that Σ is not destined for death.----Skittles the hog--Talk 10:05, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

I suppose it is a little bit absurd, he might return, though. Maybe...

Gallifrey102 10:11, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Based on the trailer, the Ood will definetly return, but that is the only part of your theory that can be backed up. The similarities between the titles of The Impossible Planet and The Impossible Astronaut don't mean anything. There are dozens of episodes called Something of Death or Planet of Someghing but those episodes don't have anything in common. Look at The Seeds of Doom and The Seeds of Death. Those two titles are just as similar as The Impossible Planet and The Impossible Astronaut but they have nothing to do with eachother. Four episodes is not enough to be considered a regular. By that logic, Sabalom Glitz is a regular character on the show, as is Trinity Wells. Ood Sigma wasn't even really in 4 episodes. He was in Planet of the Ood, but he really only made cameo appearances in The Waters of Mars and End of Time. I don't know where you're getting 4 from, because I only remember seeing him in 3 episodes. Moffat also specifically stated that either the Doctor, River, Amy, or Rory would be killed off. If you believe that it can be any series regular, than it can be any of the Doctor's companions from the past 50 years. It is possible that sigma will come back in whatever episode that the Ood are in, and it is possible that he will die, but if he does, than that is not what Moffat has been talking about when he says that one of the regulars will die.Icecreamdif 21:57, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Well, I just think that with the Ood returning and 'The Impossible...' in the title, that's the general tradition with the Ood, things being impossible, like Krop Tor and The Master being alive. But hey, it's only a theory and we'll just have to see.Gallifrey102

Maybe Sigma is really Omega! ----Skittles the hog--Talk 22:23, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Seriously? I mean, don't get me wrong, I have come up with some crazy theories in my time, but I've always been able to support them. Got any evidence on that?..

Gallifrey102 22:24, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Wait a minute! That was sarcsm, wasn't it?

Gallifrey102 22:25, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, it probably was. However, your theory still has a fatal flaw: Moffat specifically said that the Doctor, River, Amy, or Rory will die. Boom--headshot. Sigma might possibly sorta kinda maybe who-knows what if come back someday somehow someway, but he will not be the character dying. For all we know, he may be the Ood we see in the trailer. --Bold Clone 23:05, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Sigh...yes it was sarcasm.----Skittles the hog--Talk 10:15, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I find it vaguely ridiculous how people desperately try to cling on to RTD's monsters. Sigma wont return. You might as well go- Maybe River Song, who is obvously Amy Pond, who is really Ood Sigma in disguise, is the one who dies, and regenerates into the 10th Dr, who is actually the Valeyard, who is trying to ressurect Omega, and the Master is now a cross-dressing god of death who wants to stop Omega because he's madly in love with the Doctor. And then Rory, who is really Sarah Jane, turns into a space slug and explodes and makes the TARDIS explode again, ending the universe for the second time. 11:00, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I wouldn't mind, whoevever you are, if you knew that the Ood are actually returning. I'm just using this fact to support a theory that I'm starting to think is a bit ridiculous.

Gallifrey102 11:09, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I do know the ood are returning. I just hate how people desperately want RTD's characters back, even when they were so full of deus ex machinas and convenient plot devices they ended up being rubbish. Fan555 11:42, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

That is true. Very true.

Gallifrey102 11:43, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, as we've seen with the Silurians, some monsters aren't suited to the new series. So long third eye, you shall be missed.----Skittles the hog--Talk 13:06, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Besides, since the Ood are returning, I don't think Ood Σ should. It would just take away the effect of his goodbye to The Doctor in The End of Time. --Gallifrey102 13:24, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Try putting your signature at the end of the text. Not two lines below, it kind of gets in the way. I wouldn't mind Sigma returning.----Skittles the hog--Talk 13:32, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Sigma wasn't an RTD monster, he was a character who made cameo appearances in two RTD episodes. And they aren't Moffat monsters or RTD monsters, or John Nathan Turner monsters etc., they are all Doctor Who monsters. The show has always brought back monsters that appeared under different producers of the show, thats how it builds continuity. The RTD era was one of the best eras of Doctor Who in a long time, so obviously monsters, characters, and concepts from his time on Doctor Who will return. If we couldn't have anything from the RTD era return, we wouldn't have weeping angels, River Song, or the Doctor being the last of the Timelords. Sigma may or may not return. The Ood are returning so it is possible, especially since Sigma is the only real Ood character, but they could make a new Ood character, or just have all the Ood being posessed by something again.Icecreamdif 14:18, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

It probably will be something other than The Beast possessing them, since this time they're diseased with Green Eye rather than Red Eye. Gallifrey102 14:26, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

"The RTD era was one of the best eras of Doctor Who in a long time" - well prior to him it was Nathan-Turner. Personally, I preferred JNT. However, I do think RTD is/was better than Moffat.----Skittles the hog--Talk 14:35, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I doubt that the beast is posessing them, but there are a million other things that could posess them. Maybe they're being possessed by the silence.Icecreamdif 14:36, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Or - even better - possession from the Timelords!

Gallifrey102 14:37, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I'm sure the Timelords will return again eventually, but probably not this season. The Timelords have had the power to hypnotise people in the past, but never to posess people the way the beast did. Also, the Timelords just returned in End of Time, and since they are all supossed to be dead, it will probably be a while before they find a way to come back again.Icecreamdif 14:43, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, contraire! There has been a rumour that the Ood claim the hear voices in their head, to which The Doctor asks who. Apparently, the Ood respond 'Timelords!'. The episode, 'The Doctor's Wife' is written by Neil Gaiman who said that something not seen since 'The War Games' will be seen. Rumours also claim that the white box The Doctor was seen holding in the trailer is the device used to contact the Timelords...

Gallifrey102 14:51, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I hope that the Timelords do return, but it doesn't seem likely. Based on the Doctor's reaction to the Timelord's return in End of Time I wouldn't expect him to be sending them a box of his thoughts. If it is the same type of box, he could be using it to contact someone else. Do you know where the rumor about the Ood hearing Timelords in their head comes from? If the Timelords are influencing them somehow, that could explain their new powers from Waters of Mars and End of Time.Icecreamdif 15:10, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

The rumour came from the transcription of a preview at an American press launch, but the actual preview wasn't seen. I do know, however, that Matt Smith said it.

Gallifrey102 15:03, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

If the title of The Doctor's Wife is taken literally, and Susan's grandmother is returning, than that means the return of one Timelord. It's also possible that Romana survived since she was in 0-space when she was last seen. It is possible that the Doctor is sending or recieving a message to or from either of them.Icecreamdif 15:10, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

Perhaps this could see the glorious reunion between Susan and Romana? We might finally find out if The Woman really is The Doctor's Mother or not...

Gallifrey102 15:14, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

How could there be a reunion between Susan and Romana, they've never met. Besides, Susan must have died in the Time War. Romana may have survived since she is in another universe, but the 22nd century is probably not a great hiding spot from the Timelords. I'm sure the Timelords found Susan, and made her fight in the war, if she hadn't already died of natural causes when the war began.Icecreamdif 22:05, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

I suppose we'll just have to hope they are still alive so they can be featured in the fiftieth anniversairy special.

Gallifrey102 10:02, April 22, 2011 (UTC)