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1929 in

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Timeline for 1929
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1929 was a year.



On 4 March, the Republican Herbert Hoover was inaugurated as President of the United States. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Loading...["The Time Traveller's Almanac (reference book)"])

On 12 April, The Daily Telegraph reported that Lord Barset's expedition to Antarctica was lost following their claim to have found a lost city of intelligent reptiles. (COMIC: City of Devils [+]Loading...["City of Devils (comic story)"], AUDIO: Frozen Time [+]Loading...["Frozen Time (audio story)"])

On 6 July, Bob Dovie was born. (AUDIO: The Light at the End [+]Loading...["The Light at the End (audio story)"])

In October, the Wall Street stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression across Earth. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan [+]Loading...["Daleks in Manhattan (TV story)"]) Also this year, in Chicago, the Seventh Doctor and Ace operated a speakeasy called Doc's Place. (PROSE: Blood Harvest [+]Loading...["Blood Harvest (novel)"])

In November, the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown visited North Devon. (PROSE: Timeshare [+]Loading...["Timeshare (VD short story)"])


Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's Humber 16/50 open tourer, Imperial model automobile was made. (TV: Mawdryn Undead [+]Loading...["Mawdryn Undead (TV story)"])

That winter, a Triskele known as Engineer Prime crash-landed in England. The British military recovered the stranded alien and planned to return it to its people in exchange for advanced military technology. (AUDIO: Storm Warning [+]Loading...["Storm Warning (audio story)"])

The Fourth Doctor and Romana lived as lord and lady of a manor house in London while K9 led the Black Guardian on a wild goose chase. However, Romana found herself as a target for marriage by Reginald "Reggie" Bassett as his aunt Lady Florence Bassett wanted her to be possessed by the alien entity that controlled her. Romana considered Earth in the 1920s to be "harmless, if a bit primitive" considering that humans had only recently discovered the theory of relativity. (AUDIO: The Auntie Matter [+]Loading...["The Auntie Matter (audio story)"])

Iris Wildthyme and Panda attended a sauna party with Greta Garbo. After the party, it took ages for Panda to dry out and Iris complained that her Celestial Omnibus smelled of wet fur for days. (PROSE: Rain and Regency [+]Loading...["Rain and Regency (short story)"])

For five months, Dr "Helena Bennet" ran a clinic in a poor area of Edinburgh. (PROSE: The Three Faces of Helena [+]Loading...["The Three Faces of Helena (novel)"])