Age of Universal Peace

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The Age of Universal Peace started at the beginning of the year 2409. It came following the Dalek invasion of Earth's solar system in 2400. (PROSE: Break-through!)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Background[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Dalek Emperor sues for peace. (COMIC: Battle for the Moon)
Main article: 2400s Dalek invasion of the solar system

Led by the Golden Emperor, the Daleks had launched an invasion of Earth's solar system in 4000. (COMIC: Invasion of the Daleks) Eventually, the Daleks were forced to retreat back to Skaro where they activated a force field to prevent the Space Army from landing. On Jupiter, Mary was able to blend three kinds of acids together which ate through the silcronium casings the Daleks wore. On Mercury, Andy trained an army of silver ants to carry rust and spread it amongst them. On Pluto, Jeff discovered how to bend the sun's rays which first blinded and then disarmed Dalek invaders.

Vel Karneen lost a total of twelve ships whilst attempting to enter the gaps in the force field at Skaro's north and south poles. Whilst discussing balloons, it occurred to Jeff that if one of the poles were sealed then the Daleks would have no air and suffocate. As this happened, a note was sent through the force field telling the Daleks of this and soon after they lowered the field to discuss peace terms. (PROSE: Break-through!)

The Dalek Emperor agreed to the terms that the Daleks would never leave Skaro again and that their dreams of conquest were over. The world rejoiced over peace with newspaper articles reaching New York and Paris, a cricket commentary being interrupted in one location and robots receiving extra oil. Andy remembered that the Black Fleet had last been seen near Earth and realising that the Moon was undefended, he, Jeff and Mary set off to investigate. They discovered Daleks there intending to use discarded nuclear bombs to stir up lots of dust and rock. They were then planning to use a megla ray during a solar eclipse to send the dust and rock to Earth making the air unbreathable. Mary set the bombs to detonate before the eclipse occurred which destroyed the Daleks who were still preparing on the Moon. As they watched the eclipse from space, Jeff confirmed that their search for Daleks was only just beginning. (COMIC: Battle for the Moon) Stories of the history of the invasion were written in the history book of the Age of Universal Peace which begun in 2409. (PROSE: Break-through!)

Renewed hostilities[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: 27th century Dalek invasion

In the early 27th century, after "two hundred years" of peace, an unknown Mechanical Planet moved through the universe destroying planets it came across, serving a potential threat to both Earth and Skaro. Earth possessed few weapons because of the many years of peace and did not understand how to use the Daleks'. The Emperor came to Earth and assured ambassador Brit Sovard that with their weapons returned to them they could deal with the planet. Brit reluctantly agreed and humans Jay and Gregg rode with the Emperor on his ship to ensure the success of the mission. After the planet was destroyed, the Emperor asked that the humans warn Earth and "all the planets in every sky" that the Daleks will come to conquer them. (COMIC: The Mechanical Planet)

Historical discrepancies with the Dalek Wars[[edit] | [edit source]]

Accounts of the Age of Universal Peace lasting "two hundred years" until the beginning of the invasion of the 27th century, (COMIC: The Mechanical Planet) conflicted with accounts of the Dalek Wars, specifically the Second Dalek War which was fought throughout much of the 26th century. (TV: Frontier in Space, PROSE: Love and War, Prisoner of the Daleks, et al.)

The narrator of The Dalek Conquests noted that writing a precise chronological account of Dalek history was made very difficult by the fact that the Daleks possessed time travel. The exact details of the effects this may have had on Dalek history and the aftermath of the 25th century invasion in particular is unclear. (AUDIO: The Dalek Conquests)

Indeed, it was known that Daleks with time travel native to the 40th century attempted to go back in time to launch an invasion of Earth in 2415 but the Golden Emperor's time machine was faulty and he ended up in 1415 during the Battle of Agincourt. Without their leader the invasion was a failure and the remaining Daleks quickly surrendered. (COMIC: The Secret of the Emperor)