Bounty hunter

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Bounty hunter
Vienna Salvatori, an interstellar bounty hunter. (AUDIO: Prey)

A bounty hunter was an individual who caught fugitives for money.

Space Major Jon Bowman, the commander of the Wayfarer, was a bounty hunter paid by Earth Command to hunt Daleks. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Prisoner of the Daleks (novel)"])

Death's Head, a robot who preferred the title "Freelance Peacekeeping Agent" to "bounty hunter". (COMIC: Clone Drive)

Death's Head disliked being called a bounty hunter, preferring the title "Freelance Peacekeeping Agent". (COMIC: Watch Out – Dragon's Claws Here's Death's Head! [+]Loading...["Watch Out – Dragon's Claws Here's Death's Head! (comic story)"], Meet Death's Head [+]Loading...["Meet Death's Head (comic story)"], etc.)

The Krulius was a bounty hunter who stole aliens from across the galaxy. (COMIC: Monster Hunt [+]Loading...["Monster Hunt (comic story)"])

Mr Plurk and Mr Scozz were bounty hunters. They were hired by Bernice Summerfield's publisher to ensure that she finished The Dead Men Diaries on time. Impressed with the book, they tried teaching Bounty Hunter Studies at the Braxiatel Collection. Mr Scozz was killed in a gunfight during his first tutorial session. Mr Plurk, however, went on to become a professor and the chair of Bounty Hunter Studies at the Collection. (PROSE: The Dead Men Diaries [+]Loading...["The Dead Men Diaries (short story)"])

COLT-5000 was a cyborg bounty hunter chasing Jenny and Noah across time and space. (AUDIO: Stolen Goods [+]Loading...["Stolen Goods (audio story)"], Neon Reign [+]Loading...["Neon Reign (audio story)"], Zero Space [+]Loading...["Zero Space (audio story)"])

"Rogue" was a time travelling bounty hunter. Operating out of an Asteroid Hopper, he typically sent his targets to an incinerator via triform transporter after capturing them. By the time he encountered the Fifteenth Doctor in 1813 while searching for a Chuldur in Regency era England, he had recently acquired a "new boss" who required him to do much more paperwork. The Doctor thought that Rogue's job was "cool", but claimed the TARDIS disliked bounty hunters due to their lack of morals after the ship made a strange noise while Rogue was onboard. (TV: Rogue [+]Loading...["Rogue (TV story)"])