Citizen of Destination

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The Citizens of Destination were a humanoid race, externally identical to humans, who had colonised the planet Destination in the earliest Segments of Time after their colony ship had crashed on the planet.

Faced with a brutal world and the hostile Dalmari, the Citizens were saved by an early incarnation of the Master who patterned their society after the humans and made himself their ruler. Adopting the moniker of "the Inventor", the Master subtly provoked the Citizens into an arms race with the Dalmari with the end goal of nuclear fission so he could repair his grounded TARDIS. The Master thought very little of the species, noting that it had taken them two millennia to cross their native solar system and that they'd immediately jumped to the enormous undertaking of interstellar colonisation, all without thinking about atomic power.

When the First Doctor arrived on Destination in Space Year 2003, the Master pushed the Citizens into an open war with the Dalmari while he took Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright hostage for the Doctor's TARDIS. Stranded, the Doctor and Susan Foreman brought an end to the fighting, negotiating a permanent peace between Citizen and Dalmari before they left the planet in Space Year 2017. (AUDIO: The Destination Wars)