Merlin the Wise

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A manipulative and sinister figure, Merlin the Wise was one of many individuals to go by the title Merlin. (COMIC: The Neutron Knights [+]Loading...["The Neutron Knights (comic story)"])

Native to Earth, Merlin the Wise held a seat among the other Higher Evolutionaries. (COMIC: The Tides of Time [+]Loading...["The Tides of Time (comic story)"]) He sought the Doctor's help on two occasions. (COMIC: The Neutron Knights [+]Loading...["The Neutron Knights (comic story)"], The Tides of Time [+]Loading...["The Tides of Time (comic story)"]) He was later replaced among the Evolutionaries by a member of the Order of the Black Sun, Demoiselle Drin. (COMIC: The Final Chapter [+]Loading...["The Final Chapter (comic story)"])

Merlin was an aspect of the omniversal being Merlyn. (COMIC: A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... [+]Loading...["A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... (comic story)"], The Guns of Avalon [+]Loading...["The Guns of Avalon (comic story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Encounters with the Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Fourth Doctor first met Merlin in the distant future of Earth. Merlin had appeared from another time period to help the Neutron Knights against their enemy Catavolcus. Merlin had summoned the Doctor himself to help. (COMIC: The Neutron Knights [+]Loading...["The Neutron Knights (comic story)"])

They next met in the Matrix on Gallifrey where Merlin had joined a council of High Evolutionaries, including Rassilon, founder of the Time Lords, to discuss the danger posed to the universe by the "demon" Melanicus. The Fifth Doctor did not entirely trust Merlin but agreed to his aid. Merlin had originally banished Melanicus from the universe, though, obviously he had not managed to make it permanent. (COMIC: The Tides of Time [+]Loading...["The Tides of Time (comic story)"])

As an aspect of Merlyn[[edit] | [edit source]]

Merlin the Wise shows Roma his numerous incarnations. (COMIC: A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... [+]Loading...["A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... (comic story)"])

At one point the omniversal Merlyn resurrected Captain Britain and later showed his daughter Roma several of his other incarnations. (COMIC: A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... [+]Loading...["A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair... (comic story)"])

Merlin appears to Pete Wisdom having been released from his imprisonment. (COMIC: The Guns of Avalon [+]Loading...["The Guns of Avalon (comic story)"])

At some point the High Evolutionaries turned on Merlyn, after he murdered his own daughter, and imprisoned him. Merlin the Wise emerged as the dominant 'self' of Merlyn, referring to the murderer as "Merlyn the Mad", and set about saving Merlyn. Pete Wisdom was telepathically guided by Merlin to release him. (COMIC: The Guns of Avalon [+]Loading...["The Guns of Avalon (comic story)"])

Merlin the Wise was replaced among the Evolutionaries by a member of the Order of the Black Sun. (COMIC: The Final Chapter [+]Loading...["The Final Chapter (comic story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Throughout the DWU's history many characters have taken on the name Merlin, including an incarnation of the Master as well as the Doctor himself on numerous occasions (most notably in his mysterious future incarnation), and the short story The Creation of Camelot states that the name Merlin is passed on from one individual to the next with it being more of a title within King Arthur's court than a name. As a result, it is unclear whether this incarnation of Merlin, first seen in The Neutron Knights, could also be one of these established characters or another claimant altogether. The character himself has been shown to be a shapeshifter with multiple familiar forms.

A link was established between this character and Marvel Comics' version of Merlin, who has appeared in comics since 1943, when the character design of Merlin the Wise which first appeared in The Neutron Knights was shown as an alternate incarnation of Marvel's Merlin in A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair.... This link was further solidified when Marvel's incarnation of Merlin later appeared in the altered reprint of Star Death released in The Daredevils #5, and the Neutron Knights' Merlin later appeared in a larger role throughout Paul Cornell's The Guns of Avalon in Captain Britain and MI-13 Vol 1 #3.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]