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The warrior-birds, (AUDIO: The Choice) or warbirds, (PROSE: The Choice) were military spacecraft used in Ecto-Space by the interplanetary empire of the Jokastarnan House of Detola and, later, the barbarian King Kebek. (AUDIO: The Choice)

They were originally developed on Jokastarna; in the days of Empress Helena, Type 2 warbirds were in use. By Emperor Lukor's day, the cutting-edge were the Class 7 warbirds, which looked like gargantuan manta rays made of steel, with a fin-like hull and spine-like stem. Lukor secretly allowed Kebek to gain warbird technology in exchange for a supply of slaves who were artificially infected with Sherwoods disease by his scientists in an inhumane effort to develop a foolproof vaccine against the plague that the nobility could use. (PROSE: The Choice) The slaves of the Inner Kingdom were made to believe they were still living in Helena's day; to better sell the illusion, old-school warbirds were used to patrol the above-ground areas near possible exits of the Inner Kingdom. (AUDIO: The Choice, PROSE: The Choice)