16 August

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A calendar displaying the month of August. (HOMEVID: The Zero Imperative [+]Loading...["The Zero Imperative (home video)"])
16 August in

the DWU • production history • vital statistics • releases

16 August




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16 August was a date.


In 1819, the Peterloo Massacre took place in Manchester. Peter Roberts was among the casualties. (AUDIO: The Peterloo Massacre [+]Loading...["The Peterloo Massacre (audio story)"])

In 2015, Iris Wildthyme held a party on Saturn's moon Iapetus. (PROSE: Our Tune [+]Loading...["Our Tune (short story)"])

In 2017, a holiday liner sank. (TV: The Enemy of the World [+]Loading...["The Enemy of the World (TV story)"])

Births and deaths

16 August was Iris Wildthyme's birthday. (PROSE: Our Tune [+]Loading...["Our Tune (short story)"])

According to some sources, Gwen Cooper was born on 16 August 1978 in Cardiff, Wales to Geraint and Mary Cooper. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Two (TV story)"]) According to others, such as the CIA's file on her, she was actually born on 5 May. (TV: The New World [+]Loading...["The New World (TV story)"])


A guide for time travellers' summer holiday recommendation for 16 August was the Thrasymachus, a galaxy-class starliner touring the crystal worlds. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])