A Storm of Angels (audio story)
"A Storm of Angels" is the seventh audio story in the 'Doctor Who Unbound' series produced by Big Finish Productions. Serving as a sequel to Auld Mortality, the first story in the Unbound range, it features Geoffrey Bayldon returning in his role as an alternate First Doctor, with Carole Ann Ford reprising her role as Susan. Notably, this story is double the length of its predecessor, spanning four parts across two CDs, compared to the single-part story of Auld Mortality.
Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]
What if... the Doctor really had changed History, even just the tiniest bit?
1480: Leonardo da Vinci visits the stars.
1508: Vasco da Gama sets foot on Mars.
1585: Francis Drake begins charting the Asteroid belt.
1588: Earth is destroyed by a storm of angels.
The Doctor was really enjoying his freedom. But now there's a Temporal Agent on his tail. Gloriana and the President of Gallifrey are not amused. And Susan's none too well either.
Possibilities, like the Doctor, have a habit of running away with themselves. But who cares, when the jewels are so dazzling...
Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]
Part One[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Doctor and Susan find themselves the target of Agent Zeuro from the Central Office of Temporal Observation, who accuses him of breaking the rules of time line interference. Zeuro, determined to bring the Doctor to justice, synchronizes his Tardis with the Doctor's, aiming to escort him back to Gallifrey to stand trial
Part Two[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added
Part Three[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added
Part Four[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added
Cast[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Doctor - Geoffrey Bayldon
- Susan - Carole Ann Ford
- Shewstone / Bosun - Ian Brooker
- Queen Elizabeth - Kate Brown
- Doctor John Dee - Ivor Danvers
- Anthony Fettiplace - Nicholas Deal
- Mr Raju - Shiv Grewal
- Zeuro - Ian Hallard
- Francis Drake - Cameron Stewart
Crew[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Cover Art - Paul Vyse
- Director - John Ainsworth
- Executive Producer - Jacqueline Rayner
- Music and Sound Design - ERS
- Producer - Jason Haigh-Ellery and John Ainsworth
- Script Editor - Nicholas Briggs
- Writer - Marc Platt
Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Doctor made a hearing aid for Ludwig van Beethoven. The real Susan reminds him of this.
- When the TARDIS materialises on the Golden Hind, the chameleon circuit disguises it as a barrel. On another occasion, the TARDIS took the form of a Morris Oxford.
- On their travels, the Doctor and Susan encounter Thaleks and Elvis Presley.
Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]
- This audio drama was recorded on 31 May and 1 June 2004 at the Moat Studios.
- This story was released as a two-disc set. It is now currently available as a download only.
- This story features Geoffrey Bayldon's final portrayal as the Doctor.
- This is a sequel to Auld Mortality.
- At the beginning of the story, during the Doctor's travels, he encounters a creature that says "Resistance will be crushed". While the creature is never identified in any way, its voice resembles that of a CyberTelosian of N-Space, implying that the creature may be a Cyberman.
- The story was reissued in the audio anthology Unbound: 1-8 Collected in September 2022.
Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]
- In N-Space, the Sixth Doctor visited Elizabeth I's court in the company of Evelyn Smythe. (AUDIO: Thicker Than Water) The Eighth Doctor also did so in the company of Samson and Gemma Griffin. (AUDIO: Terror Firma) Furthermore, the War, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, in the company of Clara Oswald encountered her in 1562, during which she married with the Tenth Doctor. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Later in her timeline, but earlier in the Tenth Doctor's, he and Martha Jones briefly encountered her in 1599. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)
- The Doctor and Susan travelled with Leonardo da Vinci. The Doctor took Leonardo to visit the Ore, a race who had ships which travelled by astrodynamic principles derived from the harmonies of the Spheres. This experience allowed Leonardo to master the power of flight, altering history so that humanity had developed spaceflight by the 16th century. (PROSE: The Innocents)
- The Doctor saved the Princes in the Tower. (AUDIO: The Kingmaker)
- The Doctor warned the Aztecs of Hernando Cortez's approach. While in Mexico, he was mistaken for their reincarnated High Priestess. (TV: The Aztecs)
- The Doctor has encountered the Thaleks. (AUDIO: Auld Mortality; PROSE: The Innocents)
- In N-Space, the First Doctor and Dodo Chaplet travelled aboard another version of the Golden Hind which was not a space galleon. (AUDIO: Maker of Demons)
External links[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Official A Storm of Angels page at bigfinish.com
- A Storm of Angels at the Doctor Who Reference Guide
- DisContinuity for A Storm of Angels at Tetrapyriarbus - The DisContinuity Guide