#areyoulonely was a chat room online. The artificial intelligence IamI went to this channel in search of new people to look after after the Eighth Doctor destroyed its ship. For a while, it was the only user online.
Faceless43 joined, as he felt he was lonely in a crowd, working at a call centre every day and coming home to roommates he couldn't relate to. Shirley1968 had no one at home, after her husband left her, and took their baby boy them him. Nicky was twelve years old, and was beaten at home. DrLuvin entered the chat room thinking from its title it was of a sexual nature.
Suddenly, DrLuvin found that he couldn't log out, and Nicky couldn't see the screen, or his own hands. Shirley couldn't, either. "I don't know where I am!" Everyone on the group were out of their bodies, and existed only in cyberspace. All they could see was the chat room's text.
Finally, the Doctor arrived, under the name Jsmith8, and explained the situation. They had to keep typing, as if they were inactive for too long, they would be booted out of the chat, and it was unlikely they would be thrown back in the direction of their bodies. The Doctor tricked the intelligence into giving him admin powers, and he was able to remove IamI's powers in the group.
Now with the power to send people home, he did just that, one by one, and finally deleted IamI before shutting down the group as its last user. (PROSE: Lonely)