BFP 1102

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January Podcast 002, later dubbed January 2011 #2, was the second episode of the The Big Finish Podcast in 2011. It was hosted by Nicholas Briggs, David Richardson and Paul Spragg. This is the one of the few main podcasts from 2011 which are still available on the Big Finish website.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Original podcast[[edit] | [edit source]]

Did you think we'd forgotten? Of course we haven't! The second podcast for January 2011 is here... and what a corker it might be. Yes, you decide.

Nick Briggs, Paul Spragg and David Richardson present entirely without the aid of guest stars, bringing direct to your ears the following in no particular order... The Feast of Axos, the competition results, emails from listeners, The Crimes of Thomas Brewster, The Piscon Paradox, inappropriate use of the word 'charabanc', some crisps (two crisp alerts), Nick's beard... There are clips, more examples of the wit of Paul Spragg than you would think were possible and David Richardson deploying his unique podcasting style with regrettable panache (moaning about Nick not listening to his productions). And Nick Briggs goes on about his son a bit.

Frankly, it all beggars belief! But there's no better way of finding out what's going on in the Big Finish universe.

Virtually Crisp Free[[edit] | [edit source]]

Of course, we are rather mortified that a small number of people on our forums are annoyed about our frivolous crisp-themed podcast. To make amends, we are releasing a virtually crisp free version of the second January Podcast. All moments of intense crunching have been muted and, when possible, background munching has been suppressed. This does mean that some of the more frivolous content has been removed, but we trust that, for those offended by people talking with their mouths full and wittering on about nonsense (quite right too), this will be a far more tolerable experience.

To recap, the whole crisp issue arose because we were rushed off our feet and could only fit podcast recording in around lunch time. We were therefore often eating, but, being extremely badly brought-up people, we thought that no one would mind. And then, lots of people wrote in saying how amusing they thought all the food stuff was. So, we admit it, we played up to it a bit, thinking it was all 'a bit of a laugh'.

Even though it is quite clear that only a small minority actually find our attempts at food-based humour offensive, we have a responsibility to all our listeners - and it is probably true to say that those complaining most are among our most loyal followers. So, be warned, there will be one more podcast containing crisp references (the third January 2011 podcast, out next week). But after that, there will be no more crisp or food offensiveness.

And as a gesture of good will, we have issued this re-edited version of the second January Podcast, tailored to avoid offending anyone who does not appreciate the inclusion of percussive digestion in a podcast.

Content[[edit] | [edit source]]

Clips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Nick notes that Thomas Brewster is a bit of a controversial companion.
  • Peri and the Piscon Paradox ended up as the first 2 hour long release in the The Companion Chronicles series due to a mistake on the part of writer Nev Fountain who was unaware that it was intended to be the usual 1 hour story. Consequently, Big Finish decided to change their policy and release one double CD Companion Chronicle every year, a trend which continued to the end of Series 8 with Luna Romana in 2014.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]