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CSI was an American cop series. Ibrahim Hadmani was familiar with it in 2015, but it better suited his girlfriend Helena's tastes. (PROSE: The Last Pharaoh)

When Suzie Costello used a laptop in 2006, Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen remarked, "How CSI." (AUDIO: Sync)

PC Andy Davidson associated DNA specialists with "that CSI bollocks". He went on to joke about the idea of a CSI set in Cardiff, "CSI Cardiff", suggesting that they would measure the velocity of a kebab. (TV: Everything Changes)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

In 2009, the fourth series of Doctor Who shared the Seoul International Drama Awards' "Favourite Foreign Drama of the Year Award" with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.[1][2]

The 13 May 2010 episode of CSI was titled "Doctor Who."

Footnotes[[edit] | edit source]