Coat hanger

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Coat hanger
Blon places Margaret Blaine's skin on a coat hanger. (TV: Boom Town)

Coat hangers were used to hang clothes, and were often within wardrobes. (PROSE: Deep Blue [+]Loading...["Deep Blue (novel)"]) They could be constructed of metal or plastic. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties [+]Loading...["Divided Loyalties (novel)"], Iris Wildthyme and the Unholy Ghost [+]Loading...["Iris Wildthyme and the Unholy Ghost (short story)"])

Iris Wildthyme once used a pair of old wire coat hangers and the innards of an alarm clock to search for weaknesses in time. (PROSE: Iris Wildthyme and the Unholy Ghost)

The Fifth Doctor used a plastic Mickey Mouse coat hanger to hang up his frock coat. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)

In the 1970s to jam TOMTIT the Third Doctor constructed a time flow analog utilising a coat hanger amongst other items. (PROSE: The Time Monster [+]Loading...["The Time Monster (novelisation)"])

There were coat hangers in the bathroom in 2006 used by Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen whilst posing as Lord Mayor of Cardiff Margaret Blaine. Preparing to kill journalist Cathy Salt, Blon disrobed and placed her skin suit on a coat hanger. (TV: Boom Town)

In building the Junk TARDIS to escape the bubble universe Idris added a coat hanger as part of the control mechanism. (TV: The Doctor's Wife [+]Loading...["The Doctor's Wife (TV story)"])