Commodore (Overture)

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The Commodore was the leader of Torchwood Three by 7th August 1941.

When alien sleeper agents awoke in Cardiff and began slaughtering people, Captain Jack Harkness sought help from Torchwood - who he was still working as a freelance agent for. He found that the majority of the team had already gone home for the night, although the Commadore remained behind and held Jack at gunpoint. Revealing his dislike for Jack, the Commodore stated that it would be easy to allow the aliens to rid the crown of him. However, the Commodore had orders to follow and showed Jack a box which allowed him to see an interaction between himself and one of the creatures at a bar on the planet Zog. Having apparently learned that singing a song would "switch off" the sleeper agents, Jack returned to his present time and sang the lyrics which ultimately killed the creatures. Jack felt that he had been tricked into killing them rather than switching them off, but the Commadore congratulated him on the victory. (COMIC: Overture)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Commodore was shown to be in charge of Torchwood Three in August 1941. It can be assumed that he was appointed leader following the death of Tilda Brennan, which was depicted in The Twilight Streets as having also occurred in August 1941.