Davros' Gambit (episode)

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Davros' Gambit [sic] was the fourth special season pass storyline in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Sixth Doctor and Young Mel.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Join the 6th Doctor as he is forcibly dragged into danger!

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

On Skaro, Daleks are preparing a temporal talon device, another Dalek reports about charging up energy receptors. The first Dalek reports calibrating of vortex visor. An Imperial Dalek reports the Emperor wants an update. The second Dalek reports that the Temporal Talon is charging. The first Dalek says that full power will be achieved in 5 units. The Imperial Dalek tells them to shoot at will upon reaching full power. The Daleks acknowledge and prepare for capture.

In the TARDIS, Mel Bush asks the Sixth Doctor if he is done excercising. The Doctor replies that he is and that he did everything she asked for. Mel asks if he drank… but an irritated Doctor interrupts saying that he drank her blasted concoction. Mel tells him to not be like that, saying it's just carrot juice. The Doctor, annoyed, says that he has eaten more carrots than she can… but the TARDIS interrupts with a "whhhiiirrr!" sound. Mel asks What’s wrong, and the Doctor says that someone is trying to pull the TARDIS out of the Vortex.

At Skaro, the Daleks report that the target has been captured and was a success and to inform the Emperor. The first Dalek says that energy supply is depleting. The second Dalek says that Skaro Energy Grid has been tapped and is unstable. The Imperial Dalek says that it will relay information to Emperor. The first Dalek says to expedite as energy supply is dwindling.

In the TARDIS, Mel asks the Doctor what’s happening. The Doctor says that it seems they have been forcibly plucked from the Vortex by the Daleks. Mel says it sounds bad and asks if it is. The Doctor says that it is frightingly so as the energy output for that would be astronomical. Mel asks if he is being hyperbolic or literal as she can never tell. The Doctor says they are using a lot of energy and that he can't escape the beam. Mel asks if that is bad, not to mention that it's the Daleks. The Doctor says that of course it is, but for them, and says to just let them burn more energy. He tells her that before they go out, that he's got a plan. Mel says she understands.

Outside, the Doctor tells the Daleks that they can try all they want but their weapons are useless, and adds that they're as useless as their usual plans of conquest. The first Dalek reports the Doctor is detected. The second Dalek says to inform the Emperor. The Doctor is fascinated and asks if it is one of them or if it is… Davros interrupts him, saying they meet again but that he planned for it this time. The Doctor says that it is dreadful to meet him here. Davros says he would usually share the sentiment but today he is filled with glee from gazing upon his visage. The Doctor says he is surprised his heart can muster anything but hatred.

Davros says the Doctor is bold to use insults when he is in his… the Doctor interrupts him, finishing his sentence "…trap", saying he is not impressed and ask Mel. Mel ask if that is so, and says that she is Melanie and that she thinks his plan is bonkers. Davros says that the Doctor can keep up his pantomime but that his shield will soon deplete, and when that happens his Daleks will exterminate him. The Doctor tells Davros that he just do what he needs to do.

Davros tells the Daleks to not let them escape and to stand vigilant. The first Dalek obeys. Davros further tells them to analyse the barrier as it has some kind of interference. The Doctor is surprised that Davros noticed that and says that it is just one of the many upgrades they made. The Doctor turns to Mel, asking if she heard him and repeats himself. Mel apologizes, saying her mind wandered while looking at the architecture, noting that is is quite ugly, saying she doesn't know why they like that shade… the Doctor interrupts her, reminding her of what they talked about before. Mel comes to her senses, saying that they have so many upgrades. Davros asks what he is trying to do and says blathering is unbecoming of him.

The Doctor says asks Davros what he means as he considers blathering impossible for himself. Mel says that she would not say it's impossible. Davros sees that something's wrong and ask the Doctor what his game. The Doctor tells him that he's not into games, not even cricket, but rather into facts, and states that it is a fact that Davros has never defeated him, saying that Davros uses monologues and rambles because he is all bark and no bite. Davros tells him to save his meaningless taunts and Gallifreyan lies. The Doctor says that they are cold hard truths, as cold and hard a the shells of his Daleks. A Dalek reports that analysis is complete and a perception filter has been detected. Davros screams to open fire.

The Doctor and Mel appear flimsy as the Daleks fire their rayguns at them. Mel asks the Doctor if he is sure the forcefield will hold up. The Doctor assures her it will but says it is the other thing that might not. The Daleks keep firing and Mel tells them that they are trying to have a conversation. The Doctor congratulates her and tells her to continue to tell them off. Mel asks him what will happen if the thing breaks. The Doctor begins to say, as a loud "crash!!" happens and the field breaks. The Doctor says that will happen.

The Daleks report that the perception filter is exterminated. Davros says he can see that but wonders what the other thing is as the Doctor and Mel still appear as holograms. The Doctor apologizes for missing the appointment and Mel says they had other matters to attend to. Davros demand the Doctor explain, repeating like a Dalek. The Doctor tells Mel that this is how he knows Davros is rattled, when he speaks like that. Davros asks the Doctor where they are, and if they're thwarting his plans. The Doctor asks Davros what gave him that impression, saying "impre-impre-impre…" as if the hologram is lagging. Davros tells the Daleks to scan the planet and find the Doctor. The Doctor's hologram continues to appear to lag.

In the Skaro Control Room, the real Doctor and Mel are working to stop Davros' gambit. The Doctor remarks that it seems like Davros discovered their ruse, asking Mel how she's doing. She says that she is almost done, saying it was easier than she thought and that for such a technologically advanced species, their code is simple. The Doctor says that the Daleks lack refinent and subtlety, two of his finest qualities. Mel says that it is whatever he says as she finishes up, having initiated a feedback loop on the temporal talon. The Doctor says that it is brilliant and that the Daleks will be dragged into the vortex and drop somewhere else in time. Mel thanks him but says that they should focus on running rather than explaining. The Doctor agrees that there's no need to stick around for the fireworks.

Having reached the Control Room, Davros orders the Daleks to find the Doctor as he must be in there somewhere. The first Dalek reports that traces of genetic material has been found. The second Dalek says that the Doctor was here recently. Davros says that the computer was altered and to analyse it quickly. The computer voice says that temporal talon will activate in 5, 4, 3… Davros yells curses at the Doctor to the sky. The computer voice says that the Vortex Rift has engaged.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Lost in Time Instagram and Twitter posts
  • The storyline's title and synopsis weren’t given in-game. However, the synopsis was given in a post by the Lost in Time Instagram account on 12 August 2024,[1] while the title was given by the game's creator in a Twitter post on 17 August 2024.[2]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

To be added