Dennis the Menace/Non-valid sources

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This subpage includes information about Dennis the Menace from sources that are not valid on this wiki.

Dennis the Menace was depicted in several sources considered by this Wiki as "invalid sources".

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Visiting Festive Road[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dennis and Gnasher travel past a young boy on Festive Road. (TV: Future Generations [+]Loading...["Future Generations (TV story)"])

Dennis and Gnasher were once seen running down Festive Road, Gnasher seeming to chase after Mavis Cruet, a fairy. (TV: Future Generations [+]Loading...["Future Generations (TV story)"])

Meeting celebrities in Beanotown[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dennis the Menace shortly before attacking Sergeant Slipper with a cactus. (COMIC: Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics [+]Loading...["Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics (comic story)"])

Dennis the Menace once stuck a pound to the ground and tricked a police officer into attempting to pick it up. After his dog, Gnasher, painted a red target onto the officer's posterior, he flung an array of cactus spikes towards it, causing the officer to jump into the air in pain, losing his "gnashers", which popped a large Red Nose-shaped balloon filled with celebrities which was floating over Beanotown. The celebrities, including a Dalek, in the balloon then fell into a jam factory and exited covered in jam, to which Dennis remarked "I thought it was just your nose that was meant to be red." before sending Gnasher to lick them clean. Dennis then told the celebrities, primarily Jonathan Ross, that he and Gnasher would fix the balloon, and told them to have a look around Beanotown. (COMIC: Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics [+]Loading...["Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics (comic story)"])

Dennis teams up with Jonathan Ross. (COMIC: Dennis meets Jonathan Ross [+]Loading...["Dennis meets Jonathan Ross (comic story)"])

During Jonathan Ross' exploration of Beanotown, Dennis told him to go anywhere he wanted, but not to break anything, as that was apparently Dennis' "job". Jonathan reflected on how cool it was to meet Dennis, and wondered which Beano character he'd meet next. Later, (COMIC: Dennis meets Jonathan Ross [+]Loading...["Dennis meets Jonathan Ross (comic story)"]) after an encounter with a Dalek (COMIC: The Invasion of Bash Street [+]Loading...["The Invasion of Bash Street (comic story)"], Dennis meets Jonathan Ross [+]Loading...["Dennis meets Jonathan Ross (comic story)"]) in Bash Street School, (COMIC: The Invasion of Bash Street [+]Loading...["The Invasion of Bash Street (comic story)"]) as well as being walked on by Calamity James and "shot down", Jonathan decided that he'd had enough, and wouldn't take it anymore. Dennis walked up to him and acknowledged that he'd has a bit of a rough day, and the two teamed up to fling Red Noses onto people's noses using slingshots, with Jonathan wearing a jumper similar to Dennis'. (COMIC: Dennis meets Jonathan Ross [+]Loading...["Dennis meets Jonathan Ross (comic story)"])

Dennis fixes the balloon. (COMIC: Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics [+]Loading...["Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics (comic story)"])

After Gnasher collected a "big rubber patch" from the back of Bertie Blenkinsop's wet suit, Dennis stated that they'd need some "super sticky stuff" to stick the patch over the hole, with "something" telling Dennis that Gnasher has an idea. Gnasher collected used chewing gum from the floor, rolling it into a ball, and taking it back. With help from Dennis' gran, the chewing gum was melted down, and was used to stick the patch down. Next, Dennis got his baby sister, Bea, to fart into the hot air balloon to fill it up. Just as all seemed well, Bertie Blenkinsop arrived and ripped the patch back off, reattaching it to his wet suit. To fill the hole again, Dennis, just as Walter bounced past on his "bunny bouncer", booted the bouncer into the hole, with Dennis telling him that it was doing its part for Comic Relief. (COMIC: Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics [+]Loading...["Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics (comic story)"])