Forum:ATTENTION: Big Finish web site has changed

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The Bid Finish website has recently changed ,meaning that all links to the site will need to be changed. The new front page is here Jack's the man - 17:29, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Been working on it, slowly but surely. About got the main series updated, but there's still the spin-offs and all of the Bernice Summerfield stories to take care of. This might be a good time to update any lacking cast listings for them as well. --Colleyd 19:13, 11 February 2008 (UTC)Woof.
Just finished updating the main series (Thanks for the assist, Doug86!). That still leaves the special releases, spin-offs, and Summerfield pages though. --Colleyd 22:59, 11 February 2008 (UTC)Woof.