Forum:Barnabus and Martha the robots: companions?

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I just noticed that Barnabus and Martha (robot) are on Template:Companions of the Second Doctor. I've never read those TV Comic stories, so I have no idea whether these robots acted as companions, the way that K9 and Kamelion did. But the plot summaries at their relevant stories suggest that they didn't. Can someone who's actually read these comics confirm this one way or the other? Thanks. —Josiah Rowe talk to me 04:45, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

These additions were made by User:Bigredrabbit. Burden of proof is on him to argue his case. Pending his defense of the addition, these two have been removed from the template. I seem to recall from the Martha story that she's a companion in the sense that a maid is a companion.
czechout<staff />   05:03: Thu 26 Jul 2012 
Just reread the Martha story. Not only is Martha (robot) not a companion, but the point of the story is that it isn't even a) singular or b) sentient. Martha robots are domestic tools so devoid of free will that they can easily be pressed into service by either the Doctor or the Quarks by a simple remote command.
czechout<staff />   14:39: Thu 26 Jul 2012