Forum:Can this wikia get an upgraded theme? The current one is beyond ugly.

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For starters the serif font should not be used on websites. It makes things harder to read and doesn't look nice either. Neowu 19:59, September 30, 2012 (UTC)

Your argument is completely subjective. I have no problem with either the appearance or the legibility of the current font and the fact that this wiki has not been consumed by anarchy suggests that the vast majority of people are in the same boat. I do recall that I was not immediately taken with it, but it has grown on me and I wouldn't favour a change.--Skittles the hog - talk 20:20, September 30, 2012 (UTC)

What I said is subjective yes but I think a lot will agree that it looks very sub par and outdate when compared to other wikia themes, few examples:

I actually avoided this site for a long while because of how it looked which is a shame because it has a lot of useful information. Neowu 20:31, September 30, 2012 (UTC)

The only thing which i think needs updating is the front page. The rest of the site looks so good imo. Its a shame that the front page is so... Meh. Imamadmad 11:43, October 1, 2012 (UTC)

I usually avoid a site if I'm not interested in the content, and am not too concerned with how "cool" it looks. That being said, you only have one specific complaint, the font, but the rest of your "criticisms" are vague words that don't give a lot of information. Instead of saying the site is "ugly" or "subpar", why don't you give some specific criticisms? That way your concerns can be discussed. Shambala108 14:59, October 1, 2012 (UTC)

The initial complaint here is somewhat invalid because the site uses sans-serif fonts and serif fonts equally. They indicate different content. Serif is used almost exclusively in the main namespace only in content areas. Sans-serif is used everywhere else. The type of font helps new users know what kind of page they're on, and is not purely cosmetic. Got any other complaints?
czechout<staff />    14:58: Thu 04 Oct 2012

is there any chance there could be a change in the layout of the main page (ie because imo that page looks very meh compared to the rest of this wiki. the content is all there, and it's good content, i just think it could be displayed nicer. Imamadmad 02:24, October 5, 2012 (UTC)

We possibly are overdue for a front page makeover. Got any specific suggestions for how you'd like the page to evolve?
czechout<staff />    04:24: Thu 25 Oct 2012

well, i'm no graphic designer or even artistically talented by any account, but here are some suggestions:

  • condense everything under "articles in progress" and above the "latest audio" heading to at least half the size, preferably more. it currently takes up the whole page when first viewed without scrolling down, and the way it's presented doesn't encourage people to scroll down, especially as (at least on my screen) one can't even see that there are other headings (including the audio one) further down the page. which leads me to my next point.
  • the "latest (insert media here)" spots are presented really... i wouldn't say badly, because all the information is there and easily seen, but it looks like how a 7th grader would present the information for computer class; one on top of the other in a grid formations with small headings announcing what each thing is. i think it would look better if there was a slider or a scrolling image thing or something which could present the information in a more visually interesting way. or at least put a box around it like the info on the sides so it flows with the page.

does anyone with any artistic/designer/etc talent have any idea how we can make the front page look more... 2012? Imamadmad 08:30, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

Well, as a professional graphic designer, I'm slightly concerned that you find the front page "7th grader"-ish. However, I admit to being somewhat frustrated with it, as well. The problem, from my perspective, is that we don't have ready tools from Wikia to allow for much dynamism. Yes, there are sliders, but as can be seen at w:c:factionparadox, those sliders only handle four items. That's fine at FP, but here, we've got much more than four things to worry about. Another thing is that our front page is helping to drive up our SEO numbers. The more links we can have on our front page, the better. So, yes, we could probably reduce the amount of "stuff" on the front page, but we might be shooting ourselves in the foot.
I hope that didn't come across as me shooting down your ideas. I'm not at all opposed to changing the front page, and I actually do agree that a regeneration of the front page before the next "era" of Doctor Who begins is probably in order. It's just that there are some practical problems when a) Wikia's slider tools are specifically targeted at smaller wikis and b) we're strategically trying to load the front page with links.
The two things I know at this point are:
  1. Anything truly dynamic on the front page will require specialised javascript that we'll likely have to write ourselves.
  2. This is far from a dead issue. I hope that others add their comments.
    czechout<staff />    15:08: Thu 25 Oct 2012
i was kinda expecting my ideas to be shot down. as i said, i'm no graphic designer, but all i know is that at the moment it looks very simplistic, although i understand you can only do so much with the coding available. the side bar bit is good, in fact it looks great and is well set out. it's just the main body of the page which needs some sort of do over. Imamadmad 22:55, October 25, 2012 (UTC)