Forum:Can we stop putting rumours in the "myths" section

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Can people please not put rumours in a myths section. If you want to include rumours, they should sgo in a rumours section. The Myths section should remain as a place for myths only. If you don't like rumours, then remove them altogether.Jack's the man - 19:23, 18 April 2008 (UTC)

On a related subject, I've just removed some fan-wank from Turn Left and Journey's End. Perhaps we should protect pages to stop this getting in. Jack's the man - 15:31, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
The rumours section will only stay in the page until the story is broadcast, at which point they'll mostly all be removed. Protecting the page might stop people from posting stuff, but equally it might just make them post/create stuff else where, for now, while it's a mild annoyance at least it's contained.
Though that said, I'll protect the pages if it's really necessary. --Tangerineduel 16:59, 21 April 2008 (UTC)