Forum:Distant past/Far future categories

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While looking through some pages, most recently The Angels Take Manhattan and The Wheel of Ice, we have the categories Stories set in the distant past and Stories set in the far future.

Now, here is my problem with them. What do we mean by 'distant past' and 'far future'? Do we judge the distant past/far future by what year it is now - 2012? It is really ambiguous. We have 'stories set in 2012' etc, so surely we have one for all the years that fall under 'distant past' and 'far future'?

'Distant past' and 'Far future' are really vague. They seemed to me that we are basing them on a in universe perceptive of someone living in 2012.

I propose we scrap these categories and replace them with something else. MM/Want to talk? 14:26, October 8, 2012 (UTC)

If we're talking of scrapping Stories set in the distant past and Stories set in the far future categories, then we also need to look at the title articles of those categories: Distant past and Far future.
Both of which are fairly vague and both have conjecture tags on them, which suggests that neither term has been specifically defined.
I was going to suggest that if we could prove the terms "distant past" and "far future" were used then we could come up with category definitions. But it seems both article pages are somewhat vague as well. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:00, October 8, 2012 (UTC)
Opposed to all this talk of scrapping distant past/far future. Both the categories and the pages are integral parts of {{timeline}}. You can't just get rid of them without reprogramming. Sure it's vague, but it does give us something to hang our most distant years on.
czechout<staff />    04:49: Thu 25 Oct 2012
The ship may have already sailed on this but, for what it's worth, I agree with CzechOut. For one thing, it doesn't really seem worth to create a category called, for instance, "Stories set in 500,000,000,000" and another for "Stories set in 500,000,000,023" when there is only story which takes place in each. I apply the same logic to the distant past stories as well. And I do believe that that we should define both distant past and far future in terms of 2012 while limiting it to stories which take thousands of years in the past or future. --GusF 20:41, November 16, 2012 (UTC)