Forum:Genesis Timeline?

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In Genesis of the Daleks, the Doctor changed the timeline to stall the Dalek's progress by a thousand years. Does this render all previous Dalek episodes undone?Rotwang's Son 17:13, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

short answer: possibly. no one knows.
slightly longer answer: on-screen we have never had any confirmation/denial of whether or not a) history got changed by the events of "Genesis of the Daleks" or b) it got changed back.
even in the novels, audios, etc., have AFAIK, not really confirmed or denied this. so it remains a persistent fan theory. however both the television series (dialogue in "Rememberance of the Daleks") and various novelisations, audios, etc., do confirm that the 22nd century Dalek invasion of Earth did happen even post-"Genesis", which seems to imply that nothing got changed.
Russell T Davies' backstory for the Last Great Time War refers to the events of "Genesis of the Daleks" as the first action (by the Time Lords) in the Time War or what sparked the Time War anyway. but even here he hasn't confirmed/denied whether history got changed.
some fan theories from before the series revival at the addition of the Last Great Time War to continuation do say that, yes, history got changed. --Stardizzy2 20:47, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
To expand on the body of evidence for the stories not being undone:
The events seen prior to Genesis of the Daleks still happened; Legacy has info in it concerning Mavic Chen and the state of the universe in the lead up to The Daleks' Master Plan, GodEngine and Legacy of the Daleks confirm the start and end of the 22nd century Dalek invasion (The Dalek Invasion of Earth).
Return of the Daleks and War of the Daleks confirms that Planet of the Daleks takes place (and by extension that Frontier in Space occured) War explicitly states that Planet takes place before it.
Stories part of I, Davros suggest where The Daleks occurs. Additionally in Alien Bodies the Doctor mentions something about the Daleks being in their 'static electricity' phase of their history.
What's left...War of the Daleks also vaguely confirms The Power of the Daleks. Children of the Revolution confirms the events of The Evil of the Daleks.
Which leaves Death to the Daleks and Day of the Daleks. Day of the Daleks is a closed time loop as far as the Daleks are concerned (but I'm vaguely sure that it may have been mentioned in No Future). Sarah mentions the Exxilon City in Pyramids of Mars therefore confirming Death to the Daleks! --Tangerineduel 06:12, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

The official doctor who website maintains that there are two seperate dalek histories,the second one was created when the doctor visited skaro in Genesis of the Daleks.I have a theory about why sarah Jane remembers Exxilon,people who change history often remember the way it was before and she was present on skaro with the doctor,hence making her involved in changing it.So even after the previous dalek history was negated Sarah Jane would still remember Death to the Daleks as it happened in her own subjective history.--666hotline 10:06, 26 April 2009 (UTC)