Forum:How about supporting another languages?

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I`m korean who love 'Doctor Who'!

When I visited 'Star wars' wikia, I saw they supports another languages.

But wiki of 'Doctor who' which I love do not. So I ask how about supporting korean in Doctor Who wiki.

Thank you for reading!

- G.스케빈져 17:43, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

the Star Wars Wiki has many more members. this one hardly has enough to write good articles even in English. (many entries remain bare of crucial information, sadly.) --Stardizzy2 23:05, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Archivist's notes[[edit source]]

This is marked as a "failed proposal", but not for the reasons given back in 2009.

It's sometimes believed that the community at an English version of a site is in charge of translating the pages for another language. That's not what happens. If you want a Korean version of this site, you have to get other Korean-speaking users together and start your own site, which then can get linked back to the English version. For instance, the French version of this site has next to nothing to do with this community. The only "crossover" between the two is the admin from the French site who comes over here to add a link to his site's translations. Note, too, that "translation" is an inaccurate term. They're not really literal translations at all. It's more that the French community have written an article about the same subject, and there's a link between the two articles. Certainly, if we change the English version, the French version doesn't automatically update.

In other words, the point isn't that Wookieepedia has more members. There's a Korean version of Wookieepedia because there were enough Star Wars fans in Korea willing to start one up.
czechout<staff />   17:38:46 Tue 24 May 2011