Forum:Latest activity box

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basicly when you add/edit something the activity box says it happend 1 day/24 hours ago like

the tardis

drwwhoworld made a edit 1 day ago

lets say it waas acctuly 30 secs ago thanks !?Drwhoworld 20:17, June 4, 2010 (UTC)?!

Are you sure your clock is set to the right date, time, and timezone?
It shows up fine for me, but if I change my clock to an hour later, or change my timezone to an hour farther west without changing the local time, everything is suddenly an hour ago instead of 3 minutes. And if I set the date to tomorrow, everything is a day ago.
The activity box uses some Javascript that assumes your computer knows what time it is.
Also, is there any way you can stop adding in a bunch of extra blank lines when you post? --Falcotron 20:40, June 4, 2010 (UTC)

Archivist's note[[edit source]]

Thse results were atypical at the time and they certainly don't obtain as of this timestamp:
czechout<staff />   23:29: Thu 03 Nov 2011