Forum:NO SPOILERS at the Panopticon

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As defined by our spoiler policy, a spoiler is a narrative element which comes from an as-yet-released story. Even things which are released by the BBC about upcoming episodes — such as official press releases — are spoilers. According to our policy, "Spoiler information relating to not-yet-released stories must be kept to series or, in some cases, story articles."

A forum thread at the Panopticon is neither a story or a series article.

The Panopticon is the editing heart of the this wiki. It's the place where discussions take place on how this wiki will be edited and grown. In order for the community to function, it must be a place where all editors can come without fear of being spoiled. If the Panopticon gets the reputation of being a place where spoilers might occur, some editors might choose to avoid it.

This cannot happen.

Therefore, if you are responsible for posting a spoiler here — as defined above — you will be blocked from further editing, pursuant to our blocking policy, on the grounds that you have made a bad faith edit which will potentially "disrupt the functioning of the community." The length of that ban shall be up to the administrator involved, but you should expect it to be on the order of months, not hours.

Our blocking policy enjoins admins to give a warning before blocking. Because of the severe impact spoilers in the Panopticon can have upon our community, this message is your warning.

We don't like to sound heavy-handed, but this is a big deal. On a happier note, spoilers don't usually creep into the Panopticon. So it's not an issue we have to deal with much. We just want to keep it that way.

czechout<staff />   20:00:30 Mon 16 May 2011