Forum:National Television Awards Sketch 2011: Canon?

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I've just been looking at the talk page for this sketch and CzechOut asked for a reason why the sketch was deemed as non-canon instantly without discussion. I don't think anything in the sketch contradicts existing continuity apart from, as CzechOut stated on the talk page; Dot Cotton knowing who the Doctor is. Anyway my point is we should discuss whether the story should be accepted as canon or not, opinions? --Revan\Talk 17:43, April 9, 2011 (UTC)

We should just put it compare it to other episodes of the same genre. Basically, if we count Dimensions in Time as un-canon then basically this is un-canon. They're both pretty much the same structure. Ghastly9090 16:03, April 10, 2011 (UTC)

I agree with Ghastly, but the expression in non-canon.----Skittles the hog--Talk 21:10, April 12, 2011 (UTC)