Forum:Questions that need to be answered =)

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

I'm new here and have some questions, they may seem noobish but please either answer them or leave it to someone else, don't delete them, and don't be rude or mean, I am new after all.

What will happen to the Doctor after his 13th generation? *I know there was a location in where Time Lords would become 'renewed' but was that not have been sealed in the time lock during TLGTW (The Last Great Time War)?

Does the Pandorica have a time lock so that when Amelia Pond finds it in a Museum thing-a-ma-bob (Found on random spoiler site on Google) he would appear the same, or will he have regenerated? TheHiddenBeast 17:45, June 21, 2010 (UTC)