Forum:Series 5 story numbering

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Any particular reason the infoboxes on story pages for Series 5 (Doctor Who 2005) are being created with story numbers that appear to mark the story number from Rose rather than from An Unearthly Child? We can't be using one story numbering scheme up to The End of Time and another that starts at The Eleventh Hour. That'll just confuse casual users of the site. CzechOut | 23:38, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

Nevermind. I see this only applies to articles about episodes whose titles haven't yet been confirmed, like The Big Bang and The Pandorica Opens. This appears to be the work of a single editor, not a thing consistently being applied (or unchanged) by multiple editors. It'll likely sort itself out. CzechOut | 23:43, March 29, 2010 (UTC)