Forum:Steven Moffat - Seven Series 6 Episodes (Including A Christmas Carol)

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Steven Moffat is writing SEVEN Series 6 episodes. This includes A Christmas Carol. I am pointing this out because on the Series 6 page, two notes said that he was writing only six....

  1. A Christmas Carol
  2. Episode 1 - 1/2
  3. Episode 2 - 2/2
  4. Demons Run - 1/2
  5. Episode 8 - 2/2
  6. Episode 12 - 1/2
  7. Episode 13 - 2/2

Ghastly9090 18:30, February 1, 2011 (UTC)

Yes. The reason the two notes about six episodes are there is because it was originally said he would write six. Since then, another source reported that he'd be writing the above numbers. Since the above numbers are the most up to date ones, they're the ones we are going with. --The Thirteenth Doctor 11:49, February 2, 2011 (UTC)
Where is it stated that he is going to write 7 episodes. He has stated 6 and they cant change from that.
What if Episode 13 and the christmas special 25/12/11 are a two parter both written by Steven Moffat this is possible because Steven's two parters often change direction in the second part in this case turning christmassy GiganotosaurusPrimeval 18:03, February 4, 2011 (UTC)