Forum:Suggestions for Quote of the Week themes 2010

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For this year I've been trying to have the quote of the week follow a set of random yet controlled patterns of quote themes.

Very roughly they are: Individual (who isn't a companion), idea, story/grouped stories, companion, object, things in a categories, races and species. None of this is set in stone, but it seemed a good way to get some variety into the quote of the week themes.

March, April and May more or less follow this random sort of form.

So any suggestions for quotes themes of the week after 9th May 2010? Previous quote of the week themes are here. (This is a duplicate post from QotW talk page but thought I'd try again here, just in case). --Tangerineduel 13:34, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Sure, I'll give it a whirl
People who aren't companions
Celebrity historical figures
Business people
Non-UNIT military leaders
Military personnel who aren't commanding officers
Museum curators and art experts
Hospital personnel
Behind the scenes
Producers of Doctor Who
Directors of Doctor Who
Writers of Doctor Who
Script editors of Doctor Who
Production or set designers of Doctor Who
Costumers of Doctor Who
Special or visual effects supervisors of Doctor Who
Alien invasion of Earth
Binary vascular systems
Non-Dalek mutation/mutants
The destruction of earth through natural processes
Mars and Martians
Venus and Venusians
The occult
Space travel (in general)
Time travel (in general)
Geography of Skaro
Geography of Gallifrey
Geography of Earth
Isomorphic locking
Hive minds
Story/grouped stories
Don't think I need to really suggest anything here; just pick one. Though I'd tend to stress missing stories. The Massacre and The Savages have a lot of great quotes. So does The Highlanders — very witty script. And easy to get these quotes, as the scripts are online. Might be good to throw in BFA's Sixth Doctor Lost Stories range too, as that's "current".
Again, I'd concentrate on the lesser-quoted companions. Katarina, Ben/Polly, Victoria, Vicki, Mel, Nyssa. Maybe do comics-only companions, but narrow it by publication. So DWM-only companions. DWA-only companions, TVC-only companions, Countdown/TVA-only companions.
Things in a category
Not sure what you mean by this; everything is a "thing in a category".
Races and species
I'd go here for one-time-on-TV-only races: Dominators, Dulcans, Krotons, Sensorites, the Family of Blood, the Krillitane, the Gelth, the Zygons, the Metebelan spiders, the Bandril, the Fendahl, the Tractators, the Isolus, the Toclafane, the Wirrn, the Axos, the Mechanoidsm etc. In fact, you could just leave that as a sort of "standing" quote category: Aliens who have only appeared once on television. That could go for years and provide tons of variety without you having to do any work to perpetuate it.
CzechOut | 15:05, March 1, 2010 (UTC)
Brilliant, thanks. Those were though just vague 'things in categories' was just meant to be themes drawn from stuff in a certain categories like Musical groups or whatever. (As I said a bit vague). --Tangerineduel 15:10, March 1, 2010 (UTC)