Forum:The human's first contact?

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I barely remember the 10th Doctor saying something about this - he told an alien that "This planet first contact is after ... years". I can't remember the number, and I wonder - has there been any classic episode about the first contact? And if not, why? I mean, this is very important part of the people's history, so I guess that if not in an episode, it'll be at least in a book, a cannonical book, that's why it isn't made in to an episode :) Drwhobg 12:23, August 11, 2010 (UTC)

First contact is fairly hard to pin down given how many times Earth's been invaded.
But it's in PROSE: Transit where it states that humanity's first official first contact with aliens is part of the treaty with the Arcturans in 2085. --Tangerineduel 12:33, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
doesnt the 9th doctor say something about, it being first contact when the slitheen crash into big ben 13:16, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
I think both the new series and Torchwood labelled official first contact as some time in the early 21st century, (possibly the 2009 Dalek invasion?) no idea if the classic series did though. 17:05, April 25, 2011 (UTC)
Well the events of the previous season seriously altered Earth's timeline, so a lot of the previous encounters with aliens didn't "really" occur. The Doctor still remembers these events because as a time traveler he's resistent to changes in the timeline. The best we can figure for now is that the first open contact is either the Atraxi from the start of season 5 or the 456 from season 3 of Torchwood. Falrinn 02:35, June 7, 2011 (UTC)
Except that both of those events were also presumably altered, at least if they were unambiguous and public. The whole (behind-the-scenes) point of the cracks is that (public) first contact hasn't happened yet in 2011.
Except that the Egyptians clearly had contact with the Osirans thousands of years ago (Pyramids of Mars), and there are various other similar cases. Those wouldn't have to be erased, because they've long passed into legend, so normal 2011 humans wouldn't know about them (at least not any more than von Daniken nuts "know" the same thing in our world). So, assuming they still happened, do they count?
So, as Tangerineduel said, the question is ambiguous. -- 07:27, August 11, 2011 (UTC)