Forum:The master's resssurection?

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in the tv movie the master was shown to be thrown into the eye of harmony and supposedly destroyed.So how exactly did the timelords resurrect him during the time war? I know the master tried to gain extra regenerative energy from the eye during the deadly assassin but that is hardly the same as being thrown directly into it.--666hotline 17:03, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

The most obvious way would be for them to Time-Scoop him out of the moment before he entered the Eye of Harmony. Monkey with a Gun 23:31, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
Ok the latest I know is a suggestion in Doctor Who Adventures on the Masters return along with a possibility in this week UK screening of 'Doctor Who Greatest Moments' is that a combination of Richard Lazarus' work and the knowledge of how the fob watch works somehow could be linked to his return. Oh and there's the spoiler in this years Doctor Who The Official Annual 2010 if you haven't visited the page yet!! The Librarian 01:45, September 6, 2009 (UTC)