Forum:Validity: Deadline

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I think that the Unbound audio drama Deadline should be invalid because, unlike most Unbound stories, it doesn't attempt to portray a version of the Doctor Who universe, but rather an alternate history of the Doctor Who series. It has no more business being valid than What If or The Corridor Sketch. Cgl1999 22:26, 1 January 2024 (UTC)


Putting aside the "alternative histories of Doctor Who aren't valid argument", even if the audio is invalidated, it is immediately re-validated due to R4BP as All Our Christmases (short story) is, as far as the Wiki makes clear, a sequel to Deadline.

But, although I cannot remember its name, IIRC the thread that validated the Unbound audios brought up the evidence that Big Finish intended all of them to take place in alternate universes. 23:20, 1 January 2024 (UTC)


Much as Epsilon said — BF have described all the Unbounds as parallel universes. And consider The Thief of Sherwood and The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who! It's very much possible to write a "meta" story with the full intent that it documents a parallel universe that coexists with our Doctor's, where Doctor Who exists as fiction. (Or in Deadlin's case failed to exist as fiction, of course…) And indeed, All Our Christmases ties in with Deadline in a way that makes it clear that this is the case with the Deadlineverse.

As a procedural point, when tackling an issue that has been discussed before, please do more research and present a long opening post than this. Closing this summarily. If there are any arguments worth relitigating this story, they aren't presented here, nor is there even an attempt to address the previous discussions and contravening evidence. Scrooge MacDuck 23:21, 1 January 2024 (UTC)