Gabriel Salaron

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Salaron was the admiral of the Custodian. He led the war in the Hyspero system between the Dyarid Primary Vanguard and the Chtzin army, who were at war over the power vacuum left after the fall of the Wrath Empire. According the Salaron, the Primary Vanguard were fighting to prevent the Chtzin, who he described as a brutal, warrior race, from seizing control of this sector of space, as it would be devastating for the universe.

Salaron was regularly called to the Inner Sanctum, where he was converse with the extremely power telepath Jamela K'lynn, who had been hired by the Dyriad High Command, led by the Premier themselves. Salaron thought K'lynn's powers would eventually be disadvantageous to the Primary Vanguard in the future, and so he and a syndiacte of like-minded individuals raised enough money to place a bounty upon her head.

It was Vienna Salvatori who answered that call. She enveigled her way into the Vanguard under the guise of "Commander Arcadia Corinth". When Vienna successfully tricked K'lynn to commit suicide, she set into motion a set of events that caused the warp drive of the Custodian to fail and to be pulled towards Hyspero's sun. She then had to use K'lynn's neural network to access Salaron's mind, which was being impaired by the Chtzin, to locate the codes to the warp drive, to enable them to warp jump to safety.

Whilst inside his mind, she noticed a familar face. Getting the codes to the bridge, one of the crew was unable to successfully navigate the warp jump due to him being a Chtzin sleeper agent. With the ship tearing itself apart, and Salaron in his last moments, Vienna demanded to know the identity of this man. With his last breath, Salaron gave her the name "Crevo Finn". (AUDIO: Dead Drop)