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Harpies were bird-like creatures mentioned twice by Auteur in his cursed Abecedarium, firstly under the letter H where they were described as "preening and squawking" up and down the Interdimensional Black Market's "twisted lane" and then under the letter I where the Black Market was stated to be their "bazaar domain". (PROSE: Auteur's Abecedarium [+]Loading...["Auteur's Abecedarium (short story)"])

Iris Wildthyme once pondered as to whether she was an archetype, a siren, a witch, a harpy, a femme fatale, or even a Valkyrie from Nordic myth. (AUDIO: Iris Wildthyme Speaks...!)

Mehendri Solon once referred to the Sisterhood of Karn as a "squalid brood of harpies". (PROSE: Mehendri Solon)