Howling:"Remember what I told you when you were seven"

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This thread is dedicated to on-topic discussion of sightings of the Doctor/Companions who have travelled back into their personal timeline.

1. The Eleventh Hour: ~56:00 - The future-Doctor returns to visit child-Amy.

2. The Beast Below: (Speculative...more so) The glass in the engine room

3. Flesh and Stone: The infamous scene that started it off, when the future-Doctor with different costume and demeanour asks Amy to "remember what [he] told [her] when [she] was seven."

4. Hungry Earth: Future-Amy and future-Rory as "tourists".

5. Vampires of Venice: I suspect that there will be a "tense" scene where the future-Doctor almost bumps into the "present"-Doctor in (presumably) the streets of Venice, based on the trailers where he's carrying a mirror and being hyper-vigilant. I started watching the background for a head to pop in and out for a second. Only got 15 minutes in. I saw something along these lines at 10:30 - 10:40, but this is pretty paranoid - it could be anything!

Garaiavu 13:41, May 26, 2010 (UTC)

The thread Forum:5 things to look for: finale Doctor is already about the same thing, and it covers the first 8 episodes instead of just 5-1/2. --Falcotron 22:56, May 26, 2010 (UTC)