Howling:5 things to look for: The Doctor and the Tardis

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One thing I just noticed is the usage of "the Doctor and the TARDIS". In The Eleventh Hour, the multi-form uses the little girl's voice to torment the Doctor saying "the Doctor and the TARDIS doesn't know. Doesn't know. Doesn't know." The in Flesh and Stone, Angel Bob says to the Doctor, "the Doctor and the TARDIS hasn't noticed yet". The thing I find strange is the fact that they both include the TARDIS in their sentences. Yes, using "the Doctor" would be fine, and is common, but the fact that they refer to them as one and while discussing the same topic, the cracks, does bring up some questions. Also, the TARDIS can usually figure things out for itself can't it? It did it in Bad Wolf, and there's been several other instances where the TARDIS has figured out things which the Doctor hasn't. Some things to note. Well? The Thirteenth Doctor 01:13, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

The Doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know. By the way, there are only five things to look out for - and they're very obvious things, apparantly, not references that appear in only two stories. Why are there like over 20 things listed, when Matt Smith clearly said there are only five things, one of which is obviously the crack? They're supposed to be things you can see (clocks/time is probably one of them), too, I'm hearing. Delton Menace 01:28, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

The reason that there are so many potential things listed is the same reason for this entire section of the wikia, SPECULATION. Nobody knows what those 5 things are so there people will obviously be looking for any links that they can possibly find (we are only human...). You couldn't have expected people to only come up with less than 10 possibilities. I know a lot of them are a real stretch but give credit for people noticing the links. For you to criticize, you must know what the 5 things actually are. V00D00M0NKY 08:51, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
I know the cracks is one of those things, leaving four, but at least most of these recurring things are supposed to be more, ugh, visual. As in, you will probably see them, I'm hearing from different interviews and what not (you know what I mean, they're all over the place). But Steven Moffat is very vauge sometimes. Delton Menace 12:34, June 5, 2010 (UTC)