Howling:A red phone box was seen in The Beast Below.

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In an interview, Matt Smith said 5 things from The Eleventh Hour would reappear throughout the series... a number of people rewatched The Beast Below, and in the glass scene, a red phone - exactly the same as the one from The Eleventh Hour - can be seen in the background.

So far, two things have reappeared:

The crack

The red phone box

Keep your eyes out when watching episodes, as we may ver well find a red phone box in Victory of the Daleks, too, as well as a crack. And to make it weirder, what is a red phone box doing on Starship UK in the far future? Delton Menace 13:58, April 14, 2010 (UTC)

IT'S THE RANI'S TARDIS! No, I'm joking........but it might be a TARDIS of some type. the twelfth doctor 14:26, April 14, 2010 (UTC)

It could be that the "Silent Menace" following the Doctor has a Tardis. They did a competition for somone to design a console so it could be for that.

The number 0, anyone? Cannon881 16:41, April 14, 2010 (UTC)

Damn you Cannon, stealing my theory... 18:35, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

The ELEVENTH hour..........

Liz TEN...........

There's a countdown going on me thinks...

^^Sign your comments. You can see inside the phone box in both episodes, so the TARDIS thing is out, and the second TARDIS appearing this series is one made by the Doctor after he loses his own TARDIS in the James Corden episode. I will get suspcious of the number 0 if it randomly appears in Victory of the Daleks, too. But the phone box is downright weird. It was the same box (appearance-wise) on both occasions, sitting there, and then there was the interview that said things that appeared in The Eleventh Hour will continue to reappear throughout the series, and we need to keep our eyes open to notice them reappearing. Like I noted, the red phone box reappeared, and so did the crack and the '0'. Delton Menace 15:28, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

It may not be see through but merely a mirage of sorts. It may make people think it is see through but may just be the cloak or something. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 16:09, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'm quite aware of what to expect in the finale, too, some kind of ancient, evil demonic, trickster force or something based on some leaked info, and a few Cybermen and maybe Daleks, while thie silent menace remains hidden. People shouldn't push their look look about individual Time Lords, though. Fans are getting so stupid some think Amy is the Rani, like they did with Donna. Delton Menace 05:32, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

Is this the phonebox? looks like a new TARDIS 12:02, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

Wrong, three things repeated - the Apples. In TEH, the Doctor wants an Apple, and in TBB there's some Apple block: Drwhobg 12:34, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, it is that phonebox. It's in the first episode, the second episode, and that promotional picture thing. And the reappearing things are visual things, like the crack and the red phone box. Delton Menace 12:40, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

When I read about the countdown, I also find something interesting - the countdown begins with ELEVEN(from the ELEVENTH HOUR) and go ones like that till... episode 11! It can't be just a coincidence!--Drwhobg 12:49, April 16, 2010 (UTC)

I didn't notice any red phonebox in Victory of the Daleks. But I wasn't really looking for one. Also no apples, no 9 for the countdown, no 0, and no mention of silence. I did see the crack, of course, and the general "history is messed up" bit that they called out explicitly at the end. -- 08:43, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
Bit akward as the setting is prior to BT's introduction of the red phone box design! There were plenty of other phones about though. Maybe this sort of links back to Martha (and others?) phoning across time and space and from parallell worlds etc, and that's what started the cracks? (Although I know someone will say nothing arc wise carries over from previous series)
Another idea... ducks, as in absent from the pond in TEH as well as use of text "duck" warning before the ladder through hospital window, then Churchill referring to Londoners being "sitting ducks" (although I don't remember any duck mention in TBB).
Another idea ... mirrors, as in reminder to Amy of her kissogram uniform, and that initial scene of Liz 10s room, (but again don't immediately remember any mirrors in VOD). Any thoughts on any of these suggestions anyone ? 10:11, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
The fact that the red phonebox is a postwar design is exactly why it would have been something to look out for--a clue that something is wrong with time/history. But, since it didn't appear, I guess it's not a clue. :)
I don't remember any mirrors in VotD, but when I watch it again more carefully, I'll keep an eye peeled. (Speaking of which, I think the closeups on eyes, eyes in Atraxi spaceships, Daleks'-eye view, and new Dalek eyestalks that look more eyebally probably aren't a clue, but others think they are.) -- 10:39, April 18, 2010 (UTC)

Just a note, although there isn't a red phone box in VotD, there is a red phone, that is right in the middle and is the only one that keeps ringing, could this be another link? General MGD 109

Watching the episode again carefully, 3 of the phones ring, and we see people speaking on 2 of them (red and green). And the only one that's used in the foreground, and that we actually hear what people are saying on, is not the red but the green. So, if the red phone is a clue, it's a hell of a stretch. -- 01:36, April 19, 2010


Agreed, and in TBB Hawthorne used a green phone to tell Liz 10 about the Doctor 04:42, April 19, 2010 (UTC)