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Amelia Pond = Opal maiden = Piano medal.

Amy Pond = Mad Pony = Andy O, MP.

Rory Williams = Silly air worm = Sir Wily Molar.

The Eleventh Doctor = Volt the decent hero = Ten cold teeth hover.

What can we deduce from these? 21:57, June 24, 2010 (UTC)

  • We can deduce that you have too much time on your hands. The Thirteenth Doctor 22:12, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
  • You can make anagrams out of nearly any name for anything, it's not intended for them to have any meaning. tardis wiki = war tidikisi. Delton Menace 22:31, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
Look at this one I figured out: Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who!
I think what 86 means is that we can make tons of anagrams out of various words, it doesn't mean they necessarily have a meaning in the series. 00:51, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Might I point out that I was not being entirely serious...? :-) 02:03, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Jeff Angelo = Angel of Jeff. Ooh, an Angel of Death reference! :P Torchwood Five 13:43, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Ah the hidden anagrams are not important in themselves; they are obviously clues to the fact thew we are meant to be looking for an angram of "anagram"! I think you will find that the solution is "A rang AM" indicating that a mysterious entity denoted a "A" (which I translate to alpha) has communicated in the AM (which does not exist as the morning of Amy's wedding has been vanished). It is quite obvious that alpha is the opposite to Omega. Where is omega trapped? In the antimatter universe where he would have to change his name to alpha to maintain his status as the end of all things. This anti-Omega is telling us that he has stolen part of Amy's wedding day. I suspect this is becuse he wants her for himself so that they may have a love that spans thousands of years (and several dimentions). Can aybody spot a flaw with this apparently perfect deduction? Jack.
No no no earlier incarnation Jack! The anagram of anagram is "A rag man!" It's obviously the rag doll doctor! In the future the doctors actually regenerates into a rag doll (do you know enough about time lords to rule it out eh?). Obviously he is a bit miffed at his status of being religated to a childs toy and comes up with a cunning plan to rewrite time. He uses the small child to imagine him into a real boy (using some psychic stuff) along with other dolls on her table and in her drawings. Think -- we've seen this drawing to reality stuff before; it's so obvious now! Together they change everything back to the way they want it and remove some bits of history that they didn't enjoy quite as much as they though they would. Jack Chilli 15:48, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
I feel I should point out to mister or miss Torchwood Five that "Jeff Angelo" has 2 Fs in it where as "Angel of Jeff" has 3 Fs but nice try and creative idea with the anagrams just maybe try to find a few that make a little more sense (maybe try using all the letters in "Amelia Pond", "Rory Williams", and "The Eleventh Doctor" in one big anagram)Berfomet 22:48, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Doh! Torchwood Five 03:27, June 26, 2010 (UTC)