Howling:Bilis Manger - Harold Saxon

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Just found image on - seems to be Bilis Manger from the last two episodes of Torchwood series 1 standing beside a fireplace. Look at the fireplace and you'll see that it is exactly the same fireplace as the one in the cabinet room of Harold Saxon's Downing street. Does this mean that The Master has even more suprises in store for us than we imagined. It's the only way Bilis would have known so much about Torchwood. Which means he might even be The Master - Donna has been seen talking to an old man with white hair who is actually The Master in disguise.

I'm not sure what picture from the Torchwood website you're referring to, but it seems to me that you're linking separate characters based on fireplaces. In-universe, both places could have been built with the same model of fireplaces. Out-of-universe, the set-makers just reused a fireplace. No need to over-complicate things. -<Azes13 16:38, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

This is the picture i'm talking about - I think it's more of a coincidence that the place where bilis is has the same wallpaper and fireplace as Harry Saxons 10 downing street. What was he doing there.Saxon 3 17:23, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

Chiroptera Rex 18:16, November 18, 2009 (UTC) I'm inclined to agree with Azes13. Similarity likely due to reusing set.