Howling:Blood of the Cybermen

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Where are the Cybermen in the next Adventure Game from? Our universe, or the parallel universe? If they're from Pete's World, where's the Cybus Logo? If they're from our universe, why are they almost identical to the parallel universe cybermen? TemporalSpleen 16:32, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

They are from this universe, it's just a coincidence that they are almost identical! Tennantfan 09:46, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

  • Actually, we don't know that they are from our universe. The only thing that points to that is the different logo. Other than that, they are practically identical to the Cybus Cybermen. The Thirteenth Doctor 09:50, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

Its obviously the Cybusmen as well it would be anti climactic if it that was the Cybermen of our universe's return. Our Cybermen have been away for a while they need a proper reintroduction. Just showing up no explanation or difference between those other cybermen would not be very good, plus look at it this way the original cybermen returning could give more toys to sell thats what BBC worldwide is interested in new toys so original cybermen who look and are different would be a new toy. Also as I and lots of people have posted they could have both races join together into a new super race that would be yet another toy to sell to the masses Winehousefan, 11:05, July 16, 2010 [UTC]

The ones from our universe, the good old Mondasians. If you have a look in the game and go the Cybermans arm and click on it for a fact it talks about the Mondasians =) --The Brig 08:26, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Finally looked at the fact again, but the Who Facts are not related to the actual game...they would be very weak supports, especially considering the one on the Cyberslave mentions both the Cybus and Mondasian Cybermen, would that imply half of it is Cybus and half of it is Mondasian? They are just fact files like the cards with jelly babies and River Song...Moreover, the Doctor says the Cybermen are "cybernetic bodies with living brains, brains surgically removed from those they conquered. Stripped of everything but the urge to kill, and convert more like themselves." That sounds Cybus, considering that it talks about removing brains. There is a Cyber-Lord. They use Cybus Cybermen's attached weapon. It's probably easier to ocme up with a metal slug than a Cyber-Lord. The closest any Cyberrace to achieving nano-technology that I recall would be the Cybus Cybermen from the Pandorica Opens with the moving tentacle-cables and splitting helmet. There is just no evidence to suggest that they are Mondasian.

It is perfectly sensical that Cybus Cybermen would change their logo considering that Cybus Industry is gone and these guys were caught in a timestorm, so they have been independent for an indefinite period -- national pride anyone? I mean who would use a company logo as their national flag...And rewatch the Cybus Cybermen episodes, they evolve. In their first appearance, the Cybus logo was just a plate. In The Next Doctor, they had infostamp ports under the Cybus logo, which their first appearance clearly didn't have space for when we see it opened. They develope new weapons like arm laser-ish thing and Cyber Weapons, new survival mechanisms like cable tentacles and helment splitting, and considering that the Cybus logo is their major weakness since it opens to reveal their vulnerable parts, it makes sense to modify it. Judging from what they appeared in the game, the logo part seems like a carving and doesn't open. I don't understand why so many of the articles are not edited to reflect the ambiguity and just assume that these are Mondasians. -- 10:14, July 20, 2010 (UTC)