Howling:Cunning plan for the Cracks

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Think about it, Steven Moffat said that none of the companions from the RTD era will be returning then suddenly he creates an object which can erase people and events from time. Sounds like a plan to me. Darkraider09 14:12, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Could it be Rose? Think about it, no one remembers the Daleks which means the events at Canary Wharf could never have happened. User:Solar Dragon/Signature 14:15, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
Canary Wharf was covered up. Only a small number of well-connected people know what really happened. They explained all of this in the first episode of Torchwood. If I remember correctly, the cover story was that terrorists put hallucinogens in the water, which both caused hundreds of people to kill each other and caused everyone to believe that aliens had done it.
After the existence of alien invasions was well known, people started to go back and reevaluate what really happened there, and by 2012 the truth had apparently been revealed. But if those later invasions never happened, they probably wouldn't have revealed the truth. And the fact that Harold Saxon got elected by promising to tell everyone the truth, announced the coming of friendly aliens who never came, and went nuts and gassed his cabinet and shot the US President... well, that probably makes the coverup even easier.
So, there's no reason to believe Canary Wharf never happened just because people don't remember the Daleks. --Falcotron 02:51, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

I think Darkraider's original point is valid. Aside from being an interesting plot device and a seasonal arc, the cracks are (IMO) very likely Moffat's in-universe version of a selective delete button. Insert in-universe production jokes about big mixups between what has, and has not, actually passed into the annals of canon, here. Agonaga 05:48, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

Please sign your posts with 4 tildes (~). Meanwhile, I agree (and have argued elsewhere) that the Moff may be selectively using the cracks to remove all of the un-cover-up-able alien invasions, so we can get back to a modern day where alien invasions are a shock, and covering them up is a major task for UNIT, and so on. But we'll know for sure in a few weeks. --Falcotron 05:42, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
sounds silly but I wonder, plot wise, could those missing episodes from the 60s and Shada have fallen in to the cracks? 13:10, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
Rose, It always has to be bloody Rose. Leave her the fock be! the twelfth doctor 17:24, June 8, 2010 (UTC)
I love the idea the unfilmed season 23 scripts and maybe Shada happened but fell into the cracks. (Are the Target Missing Episodes or the Big Finish Productions Lost Stories canon?) For the missing early episodes, that doesn't work as well, because those events have been referred to since, but it's still a clever idea. --Falcotron 00:29, June 9, 2010 (UTC)