Howling:Daleks, Cybermen

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I think its pretty obvious that both the Daleks and cybermen are gonna be back in the season final. I know nothing is conformed, but still lets look at the facts. That interview with Nick Briggs that was already posted on these forums, I like nick briggs he's a good voice artist, loved the Dalek empire audio stories he wrote but I don't think he was very good at keeping that secret. Also when you look at it Steven moffat has got alot to top as far as season finale's go., last season finale saw David Tennant one of the best doctors ever go, the finale before that saw all of reality at stake and the highest ratings in years. So how does he top that Daleks Cybermen again. So how are they gonna be here together, do you think they will be allied, I mean steven moffat is gonna want to do it differently to RTD, possibly the Daleks and the cybermen are gonna be allied against whatever is causing the cracks, its already affecting their histories, it would be a new twist to have the daleks in the finale but not as the big bads. Obviously whatever it is is gonna have to be pretty big to have the daleks team up with lesser creatures, if they do team up it will obviously be an uneasy alliance. Also I dont think this silence is connected to the Daleks, because the daleks already had the darkness, it would be too similar, and I dont think that the cybermen are linked to the silence either I mean it dosent really sound like their thing. I think it might be some new thing who wants to get rid of monsters thats the big bad, I mean he has been attacking Daleks Cybermen Weeping angels and other things that are nasty. Though it did say the end of all things its weapon may have got out of control, or it may just have got alot of planets that are innocent in the crossfire, it may just be changing time so much is affecting the universe I.E. you change too many fixed points in history and eventually the universe will come crumbling down. The big bad could go after the sontarans too, it might even be like that batman cartoon where you see the villain captures the joker, penguin, catwoman, mister freeze and batman has to save them [ I am aware i am watching too many batman cartoons, don't worry if it does turn out the way I say I wont start a forum about their similarities LOL] still let me know what you think, and if you do think that the Daleks and Cybermen will be in the final together let me know if you think they will be in it differently than how I say. Winehousefan: 22:29, May 20, 2010 [UTC]

There are supposed to be a lot of different enemies in the finalein terms of alien races, and is apparantly one ultimate big bad behind everything. Well, that's about all we know, really. Oh yeah, and an explosion, the crack, and Stonehenge. Delton Menace 00:28, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I can't imagine any way to read the Nick Briggs interview other than "the Daleks and Cybermen are in the finale and sharing at least one scene together".
You said, "it would be a new twist to have the daleks in the finale but not as the big bads". I think that's exactly what the Moff was thinking. How cool would it be to have the Daleks as minor characters in a story--as bad as they are, they're nothing next to the big bad? How scary would the big bad have to be to make the Daleks second-rate players (especially after the way RTD built them up)? Of course JNT wanted to do that in The Five Doctors, but Terry Nation wouldn't let him, so the Daleks were only in as a cameo for the First Doctor in his own timeline. But now, SM finally has the chance to do it.
Anyway, we obviously can't do anything but speculate at this point, but I'm guessing you're right, and this is exactly what we're going to see: the Daleks are as helpless as anyone else before the Silent Menace. --Falcotron 11:59, May 22, 2010 (UTC)